Saturday, March 01, 2008


Something Odd...

i noticed the other day on my Flickr account that this Map Dealie; provided by Flickr Toys, Showed a collection of islands above Europe that i was completely unfamiliar with...???

Apparently they're a part of Norway; called Svalbard.
i have never noticed them before...
They are much higher than Iceland, which i had always thought of as the highest landmass in The Atlantic...

So to compound this;
Since just learning of them a few days ago;
i keep coming across new references to them...

Such as this New Reptilian Dinosaur...!

It's like reality is just making itself up as it goes along.

And this sort of thing is happening to me all the time...

i think it's evidence that The Reality Generator that creates my existence is not really very clever and once it comes up with something good—
It just recycles it over and over for awhile; And then, in a week or so; It will stop reminding me that this Island Group exists, and i'll never see any references to it ever again.



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