Thursday, July 01, 2010

UnCode Number Seven

UnCode Number Seven
This Encrypted Text Below is actually quite easily read,
if you know the simple secret.

This one is very cute;
And Satisfies The KeyStone Requirements
For The Desired ÜberÜnCodé;
a) Look Very Encrypted
b) Be Very Easy to Read

As a Clue:
It is a poem about a young girl that liked to slam doors.
- - - - -

Awh Oslamme Ddoor Sfo Rfu Nan Dperishe Dmiserabl

Y Atric ktha teveryon eabhor
Si nlittl egirl si sslammin gdoor.
S Awealth ybanker' slittl edaughte
Rwh olive di Npalac Egree, Nbayswate
(Rb ynam Erebecc Aoffendor),
Twa sgive nt othi sfuriou sspor.

Tsh ewoul ddeliberatel yg
Oan dsla mth edoo rlik ebill- y!
Ot omak ehe runcl Ejaco bstar.
Tsh ewa sno treall yba da thear,
Tbu tonl yrathe rrud ean dwil;
Dsh ewa sa naggravatin gchil...

Di thappene dtha t amarbl ebus
To Fabraha mwa sstandin gjus
Tabov eth edoo rthi slittl elam
Bha dcarefull yprepare dt osla,
Man ddow ni tcam! Ei tknocke dhe rfla!
Ti tlai dhe rou! Tsh elooke dlik etha.

The rfunera lsermo (nwhic hwa slon
Gan dfollowe db y asacre dson)
Gmentione dhe rvirtue, si ti stru,
Ebu tdwel tupo nhe rvice sto,
Oan dshowe dth edeadfu len do fon
Ewh ogoe san dslam sth edoo rfo rfu.

Nth echildre nwh ower ebrough tt ohea
Rth eawfu ltal efro mfa ran dnea
Rwer emuc himpresse, dan dinl yswor
Ethe yneve rmor ewoul dsla mth edoo,
-- Ra softe nthe yha ddon ebefor.

A Program ( Written in Scratch )
To Encrypt Documents Using this Approach
May be Downloaded at :

More UnCodes & Kooky WordPlay with Rotograms & Stuff !

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