Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Why i hate Science ( more ) Mathematics ≠ Reality

i was just thinking ( 1/8th Baked Potato ) that Reality is like a ShoeBox, in which it's a finite region of possibilities that represent ( reality ).

While Mathematics & CGI Graphics & Geometrical Projections & Explorations in TransDimensional Matrix Latices occupy an Infinite Spectrum of Variations.

Think of this like Anagrams.
You can take just about any word or phrase and come up with what seems like a meaningful Anagram ( i apologize for not have a slew of examples here ! )
from it. Is it really ( genuinely ) meaningful ?
No. Probably not.
i have additionally played around with what i call The Cabbage Codes, which is a variation of The Gematria; which attaches values to letters and from that, finds 'meaningfulness' with groups of words and phrases ( some given name = 666 / or a group of, or class of words = 666 )
Is this genuinely meaningful ?
No. Probably not.

So lets go back to Reality and Mathematics.
One is Finite and Analog
The other is Infinite and Digital.

The problem is that you can come up with a lot more mathematical 'versions' that seem meaningful when you attach their 'nodes' ( subjectively meaningful pieces ) to empirical lumps of reality.

Are these 'theories' that mathematics 'prove' by being internally consistent in a mathematical sense, meaningful when associated with 'reality' ( ? )

No. Probably not.

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