Monday, January 03, 2000

Weird Ascii MetaCharacters

Most Useful Characters:
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ← ↑ ‍ → ↓ ↔ « » ‹ › ◊
¡ ¿ € £ ¤ ¥ ¢ ‰ ¶ “ ” „ ‌ ¦ ‡ † § © ™ ® ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¾
· • ª º ¨ × ÷ − √ ∞ ∩ ∫ ± ¬ ~ ≈ ≠ ≡ ◊ ø Ø ≤ ≥
Δ Ω α β π µ ð ∂ ∏ ∑ ƒ
Æ Ç Ð Ñ Þ ßßβ æ ç ð ñ ø þ
à á â ã ä å è é ê ë ì í î ï ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ý ÿ

Ξ.6 Controllers ξ.6 Controllers
Φφ Phi = Golden Ratio
τ tau = Golden Ratio

α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ ϒ ϖ χ ψ ω

א Aleph - "ox"
ב Bet - "house"
ג Gimel - "camel"
ד Dalet - "fish"
ה Heh - "jubilation"
ו Vav - "hook"
ז Zain - "manacle"
ח Ħet
ט Tet
י Yod - "arm"
כ Kaf - "hand"
ל Lamed - "goad
מ Mem - "water"
נ Nun
ס Samech
ע ain - "eye
פ Peh - "mouth"
צ Tsadeh - "plant"
ק Qoph - "monkey"
ר Reš - "head"
ש Šin
ת Tav - "signature

П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я 

Not only does this WebDings not work here, 
but i can't seem to get them to work on my computer, 
Which seems incomprehensible to me ( ??? )
Here is a Link to A Google Docs of My Funnest Characters though— 

Funnest Characters ! 


cc 33 cc
Red ff 00 00
Pink ff cc cc
Orange ff 99 00
Gold ff cc 00
Yellow ff ff 00
Green 33 cc 00
PukeGreen 99 99 00
Blue 33 66 ff
Teal 33 cc ff
GreyBlue 00 cc cc
Purple 66 00 cc
Black 00 00 00
White ff ff ff
Grey 99 99 99

Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

nbsp " " -- no-break space = non-breaking space
iexcl "¡" -- inverted exclamation mark
cent "¢" -- cent sign
pound "£" -- pound sign
curren "¤" -- currency sign
yen "¥" -- yen sign = yuan sign
brvbar "¦" -- broken bar = broken vertical bar
sect "§" -- section sign
uml "¨" -- diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
copy "©" -- copyright sign
ordf "ª" -- feminine ordinal indicator
laquo "«" --left pointing guillemet
not "¬" -- not sign
shy "­" -- soft hyphen
reg "®" -- registered sign
macr "¯" -- macron = spacing macron = overline

deg "°" -- degree sign
plusmn "±" -- plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
sup2 "²" -- superscript two
sup3 "³" -- superscript three
acute "´" -- acute accent
micro "µ" -- micro sign
para "¶" -- pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
middot "·" -- middle dot = Georgian comma
cedil "¸" -- cedilla = spacing cedilla
sup1 "¹" -- superscript one
ordm "º" -- masculine ordinal indicator
raquo "»" --right pointing guillemet
frac14 "¼" -- vulgar fraction one quarter
frac12 "½" -- vulgar fraction one half
frac34 "¾" -- vulgar fraction three quarters
iquest "¿" -- inverted question mark
Agrave "À" -- latin capital letter A with grave
Aacute "Á" -- latin capital letter A with acute
Acirc "Â" -- latin capital letter A with circumflex
Atilde "Ã" -- latin capital letter A with tilde
Auml "Ä" -- latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Aring "Å" -- latin capital letter A with ring above
AElig "Æ" -- latin capital letter AE
Ccedil "Ç" -- latin capital letter C with cedilla
Egrave "È" -- latin capital letter E with grave
Eacute "É" -- latin capital letter E with acute
Ecirc "Ê" -- latin capital letter E with circumflex
Euml "Ë" -- latin capital letter E with diaeresis
Igrave "Ì" -- latin capital letter I with grave
Iacute "Í" -- latin capital letter I with acute
Icirc "Î" -- latin capital letter I with circumflex
Iuml "Ï" -- latin capital letter I with diaeresis
ETH "Ð" -- latin capital letter ETH
Ntilde "Ñ" -- latin capital letter N with tilde
Ograve "Ò" -- latin capital letter O with grave
Oacute "Ó" -- latin capital letter O with acute
Ocirc "Ô" -- latin capital letter O with circumflex
Otilde "Õ" -- latin capital letter O with tilde
Ouml "Ö" -- latin capital letter O with diaeresis
times "×" -- multiplication sign
Oslash "Ø" -- latin capital letter O with stroke
Ugrave "Ù" -- latin capital letter U with grave
Uacute "Ú" -- latin capital letter U with acute
Ucirc "Û" -- latin capital letter U with circumflex
Uuml "Ü" -- latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Yacute "Ý" -- latin capital letter Y with acute
THORN "Þ" -- latin capital letter THORN
szlig "ß" -- latin small letter sharp s
agrave "à" -- latin small letter a with grave
aacute "á" -- latin small letter a with acute
acirc "â" -- latin small letter a with circumflex
atilde "ã" -- latin small letter a with tilde
auml "ä" -- latin small letter a with diaeresis
aring "å" -- latin small letter a with ring above
aelig "æ" -- latin small letter ae
ccedil "ç" -- latin small letter c with cedilla
egrave "è" -- latin small letter e with grave
eacute "é" -- latin small letter e with acute
ecirc "ê" -- latin small letter e with circumflex
euml "ë" -- latin small letter e with diaeresis
igrave "ì" -- latin small letter i with grave
iacute "í" -- latin small letter i with acute
icirc "î" -- latin small letter i with circumflex
iuml "ï" -- latin small letter i with diaeresis
eth "ð" -- latin small letter eth
ntilde "ñ" -- latin small letter n with tilde
ograve "ò" -- latin small letter o with grave
oacute "ó" -- latin small letter o with acute
ocirc "ô" -- latin small letter o with circumflex
otilde "õ" -- latin small letter o with tilde
ouml "ö" -- latin small letter o with diaeresis
divide "÷" -- division sign, U+00F7 ISOnum
oslash "ø" -- latin small letter o with stroke
ugrave "ù" -- latin small letter u with grave
uacute "ú" -- latin small letter u with acute
ucirc "û" -- latin small letter u with circumflex
uuml "ü" -- latin small letter u with diaeresis
yacute "ý" -- latin small letter y with acute
thorn "þ" -- latin small letter thorn
yuml "ÿ" -- latin small letter y with diaeresis
Mathematical, Greek and Symbolic characters for HTML
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986:
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

Latin Extended-B
fnof "ƒ" -- latin small f with hook = function= florin

Alpha "Α" -- greek capital letter alpha
Beta "Β" -- greek capital letter beta
Gamma "Γ" -- greek capital letter gamma
Delta "Δ" -- greek capital letter delta
Epsilon "Ε" -- greek capital letter epsilon
Zeta "Ζ" -- greek capital letter zeta
Eta "Η" -- greek capital letter eta
Theta "Θ" -- greek capital letter theta
Iota "Ι" -- greek capital letter iota
Kappa "Κ" -- greek capital letter kappa
Lambda "Λ" -- greek capital letter lambda
Mu "Μ" -- greek capital letter mu
Nu "Ν" -- greek capital letter nu
Xi "Ξ" -- greek capital letter xi
Omicron "Ο" -- greek capital letter omicron
Pi "Π" -- greek capital letter pi
Rho "Ρ" -- greek capital letter rho
Sigma "Σ" -- greek capital letter sigma
Tau "Τ" -- greek capital letter tau
Upsilon "Υ" -- greek capital letter upsilon
Phi "Φ" -- greek capital letter phi
Chi "Χ" -- greek capital letter chi
Psi "Ψ" -- greek capital letter psi
Omega "Ω" -- greek capital letter omega

alpha "α" -- greek small letter alpha
beta "β" -- greek small letter beta
gamma "γ" -- greek small letter gamma
delta "δ" -- greek small letter delta
epsilon "ε" -- greek small letter epsilon
zeta "ζ" -- greek small letter zeta
eta "η" -- greek small letter eta
theta "θ" -- greek small letter theta
iota "ι" -- greek small letter iota
kappa "κ" -- greek small letter kappa
lambda "λ" -- greek small letter lambda
mu "μ" -- greek small letter mu
nu "ν" -- greek small letter nu
xi "ξ" -- greek small letter xi
omicron "ο" -- greek small letter omicron
pi "π" -- greek small letter pi
rho "ρ" -- greek small letter rho
sigmaf "ς" -- greek small letter final sigma
sigma "σ" -- greek small letter sigma
tau "τ" -- greek small letter tau
upsilon "υ" -- greek small letter upsilon
phi "φ" -- greek small letter phi
upsih "ϒ" -- greek upsilon with hook symbol
piv "ϖ" -- greek pi symbol

General Punctuation
bull "•" -- bullet = black small circle
hellip "…" -- horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
prime "′" -- prime = minutes = feet
Prime "″" -- double prime = seconds = inches
oline "‾" -- overline = spacing overscore
frasl "⁄" -- fraction slash

Letterlike Symbols
weierp "℘" -- script capital P = power set
i "χ" -- greek small letter chi,
psi "ψ" -- greek small letter psi
omega "ω" -- greek small letter omega
thetasym "ϑ" -- greek small letter theta symbol
image "ℑ" -- blackletter capital I = imaginary part
real "ℜ" -- blackletter capital R = real part symbol
trade "™" -- trade mark sign
alefsym "ℵ" -- alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal

larr "←" -- leftwards arrow
uarr "↑" -- upwards arrow
rarr "→" -- rightwards arrow
darr "↓" -- downwards arrow
harr "↔" -- left right arrow
crarr "↵" -- downwards arrow with corner leftwards
lArr "⇐" -- leftwards double arrow
uArr "⇑" -- upwards double arrow
dArr "⇓" -- downwards double arrow
hArr "⇔" -- left right double arrow

-- Mathematical Operators
forall "∀" -- for all
part "∂" -- partial differential
exist "∃" -- there exists
empty "∅" -- empty set = null set = diameter
nabla "∇" -- nabla = backward difference
isin "∈" -- element of
notin "∉" -- not an element of
ni "∋" -- contains as member
prod "∏" -- n-ary product = product sign
sum "∑" -- n-ary sumation
minus "−" -- minus sign
lowast "∗" -- asterisk operator
radic "√" -- square root = radical sign
prop "∝" -- proportional to
infin "∞" -- infinity
ang "∠" -- angle
and "∧" -- logical and = wedge
or "∨" -- logical or = vee
cap "∩" -- intersection = cap
cup "∪" -- union = cup
int "∫" -- integral
there4 "∴" -- therefore
sim "∼" -- tilde operator = varies with = similar to
cong "≅" -- approximately equal to
asymp "≈" -- almost equal to = asymptotic to
ne "≠" -- not equal to
equiv "≡" -- identical to
le "≤" -- less-than or equal to
ge "≥" -- greater-than or equal to
sub "⊂" -- subset of
sup "⊃" -- superset of
nsub "⊄" -- not a subset of
sube "⊆" -- subset of or equal to
supe "⊇" -- superset of or equal to
oplus "⊕" -- circled plus = direct sum
otimes "⊗" -- circled times = vector product
perp "⊥" -- up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
sdot "⋅" -- dot operator

Miscellaneous Technical
lceil "⌈" -- left ceiling = apl upstile
rceil "⌉" -- right ceiling
lfloor "⌊" -- left floor = apl downstile
rfloor "⌋" -- right floor
lang "〈" -- left-pointing angle bracket = bra
rang "〉" -- right-pointing angle bracket = ket

Geometric Shapes
loz "◊" -- lozenge

Miscellaneous Symbols
spades "♠" -- black spade suit
clubs "♣" -- black club suit = shamrock
hearts "♥" -- black heart suit = valentine
diams "♦" -- black diamond suit

Entity Unicode Character
Á á Â â ´ Æ æ À à ℵ Α α & ∧ ∠ Å å ≈ Ã ã Ä ä „ Β β ¦ • ∩ Ç ç ¸ ¢ Χ χ ˆ ♣ ≅ © ↵ ∪ ¤ ‡ † ⇓ ↓ ° Δ δ ♦ ÷ É é Ê ê È è ∅     Ε ε ≡ Η η Ð ð Ë ë € ∃ ƒ ∀ ½ ¼ ¾ ⁄ Γ γ ≥ ⇔ ↔
♥ … Í í Î î ¡ Ì ì ℑ ∞ ∫ Ι ι ¿ ∈ Ï ï Κ κ Λ λ 〈 « ⇐ ← ⌈ “ ≤ ⌊ ∗ ◊ ‎ ‹ ‘
¯ — µ · − Μ μ ∇ – ≠ ∋ ¬ ∉ ⊄ Ñ ñ Ν ν Ó ó Ô ô Œ œ Ò ò ‾ Ω ω Ο ο ⊕ ∨ ª º Ø ø Õ õ ⊗ Ö ö ¶ ∂ ‰ ⊥ Φ φ Π π ϖ ± £ ″ ′ ∏ ∝ Ψ ψ " √ 〉 » ⇒ → ⌉ ” ℜ ® ⌋ Ρ ρ ‏ › ’ ‚ Š š ⋅ § Σ
σ ς ∼ ♠ ⊂ ⊆ ∑ ⊃ ¹ ² ³ ⊇ ß Τ τ ∴ Θ θ ϑ   Þ þ ˜ × ™ Ú ú ⇑ ↑ Û û Ù ù ¨ ϒ Υ υ Ü ü ℘ Ξ ξ Ý ý ¥ Ÿ ÿ Ζ ζ ‍ ‌

- - - -
Concerning the Character mentioned in The Comments Below
It appeared very oddly in my Email Notification :


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about this:ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็


Chrstphre Campbell said...

That is Amazing. It was much more impressive on my eepmail message ? !!!

JinJan said...

That looks like the Thai character for tiger, which makes an "s" sound, but the diagonal squiggle above it is a mystery...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้дด็็็็็้้้้้็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้

Chrstphre Campbell said...

Those are nice eye brows!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


ALEX MOON said...



test said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
