Monday, October 28, 2013

Alternative Monsters / Failed ( Incomplete Hallow's Eve ) Project for 2013

Every Year; I start a project envelope for Z-Mass and Halloween, believing that I will add ideas to these projects as the year goes along, and in the last month or two before they come due, I will have produced a zyne or series of postcards or whatever, and each year, I nearly always fail to finish them ! ( !!! )

This Year's Hallow's Eve Project ( 2013 )
Alternative Monsters :

Neglected ( Real ) Monsters & Other Horrific Realities

Monsters & A Story Line for A Film

1) Vampire that licks The Tears from The Cheeks of Babies & Infants

2) My Favorite is Ghouls.
Ghouls are just Ordinary People that like to eat the flesh of recently deceased people.
They don't have any Real SuperPowers,
But they have a Ability to Disregard all Cultural Taboos.
They are able to Think & Act Completely Free of All Cultural Restraints.
This is Far beyound the trivial & inconsequential lawlessness of The Petty or Career Criminal,
Complete Freedom from Cultural Programming is A Remarkable Gift.
Batman is to Superman as Ghouls are to Vampires.
Ghouls do have a ‘Folkloric’ Superpower which has been documented with the same rigor as The Personal Histories of Pop Musicians or The Scientific Behavioural studies of Pentecostal Ministers. And that is; That Ghouls can Absorb & Use The Memories of The Dead that they Eat. They are also ( Reportedly ) Able to ‘Project’ by some Psychic means; The Appearance of The Dead that they have Eaten. Such Projections only work on People, Not Video or Photographic Recording Materials. There are many Dubious Case Files of these Abilities.

3) Aliens that don’t believe Humans are capable of True Sentience.

4) El-Chupacabra / Monkey Man /

5) The Coyote Trickster

6) The Ξ.6 Controllers

7) Jinn

8) Kraken / Giant Squid / Giant Octopi

9) Bad Witches

10) Genius’

11) Normal People / Baerbers

12) Thunderbird

13) Windigo

14) Vampire Kits & other Monster Assisting Accessories

15) Paper Cuts

16) Stubbed Toes

17) Intelligent Zombies that bring wisdom & guidance from The other side

18) Anomalous Ghost Traits / Hairy / Wet Lipped

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Bonus Monsters

1) Artists / Media Whores / That Preempt the Natural & Healthy Evolution of A Societies Culture, Taking it off along UnPrecedented Tangentals that abruptly end, leaving teenagers & The Economy rolling backwards as they re-gear for The Next Pop-Fad whose Substance have been artificially Validated by The Internet & Celebrity Gossip Venues.

2) Scientists & Lay-Intellectuals that Promote Gratuitously False Notions of ‘How The World Works’.

3) Ghost Escorts / Most times if you ever happen to see a ghost, you will be sufficiently startled to be left stunned & unable to act upon The Sighting in any intelligible way— Or The Ghost will appear so Substantial, that you won’t realize it was a Ghost until some time later, when you come to understand that The Figure you saw couldn’t have been there. / But. / There is another kind of Ghost that is known as The Ghost Escort. When you see a Ghost of this Type, They appear at ones first examination to be unmistakably a Ghost, & The Usually Accompanying ‘Oz Effect’ will be Missing. If at this time; You choose to approach The Ghost Escort & Come close enough to it— It will Escort you to The Other Side, Where The Majority of Ghosts Proper live out their dismal & forlorn, Timeless Existence’s. You will find this realm quite disturbing, & will remain trapped there, experiencing this world & your own as The Ghosts do, Until you find a Mortal Escort to pull you back. These Mortal Escorts are usually Nearly Ordinary Folk whose lives are Transitory in a way that allows them to form a bridge between The Two Worlds. They may not be aware that they are Mortal Escorts, until The one day when someone suddenly appears beside them, with full solidity, & is quite hysterical. No explanation is usually ever provided for this phenomena, leaving everyone that witnessed it; quite addled.

4) A Scribbled Monster / Drawing by a Small Child becomes ‘Filled Out’ to form a creature that is very much unlike any terrestrial animal, chimera or phantom from a nightmare. To Additionally complicate this Process; The child ‘Designer’ is alway blind, so that they can’t possibly have any inkling of what The Drawing Process is Intended for. The Magicians that perform this feat use The Oldest of Magickal Principles; Used by The Most Ancient of Priests that worshiped no gawds, but created things themselves with single words, musical notes or scratches carved into meaty backs or cold slabs freshly dug from deep wells. They send these abominations out to perform their biddings, pick up groceries, deliver packages, find lost trinkets, keep away gnawing rodents, or drive enemies insane with riddles that defy logical analysis.

5) Perfectly Ordinary Looking Animals, usually with sharp teeth or claws; blunted by their incessant ripping of dried corpses dug from frozen ground. What distinguishes these creatures from ordinary varmints; Is that when they attack, The Victim is left befuddled & Scalliwobbled by The Beast’s Peculiar Coloration which defy conventional labels. There are all The Familiar Colors, & their mixtures. Tints & Shadows, Greys & Browns, Translucent Crystal Textures & Metallic Naps— But these are not any of those. Most peculiar; The colors are easily perceived by The Victim’s Eyes, indicating that our Eyes & Brains have been designed to see them, Not like UltraViolet, Radio Waves or Infrared hues which various insects or marsupials can discern; No. These are Colors within our own well documented Color Wheels, which we have simply, somehow, neglected to ever make a paint from. And as The Victim ponders this incredible mystery; Their attention is pushed aside from The Large Form grasping Their Head in a Vice-like Grip & crushing their skull with a distinctive popping sound that they will never hear.

6) Freckled Girls / Whose Freckles are Constellations in Far Away Galaxies. They are Not Living Beings, But Inverted Galaxies that Absorb The Souls of The Living to Inhabit their Universe. Inside these Envelopes of Upside down Reality, Everything is Backwards; All Evils in this world are Good & Beneficial, All Daisies, Kittens & Donuts are Horrific Terrors that Sap your Vitals with Confusion & Despair.

7) Dichotometric Memories
when i was living in bremerton, i was certain that the porch across the street changed color on a fairly regular basis...
So i was thinking for the first time today, that the mechanics of this may be Dichotometric Memories.
For this case; The color of the porch was a given color ( say red ) for the first six months that i lived there ( across the street ) and then someone painted it blue.
If the porch were something that i paid attention to, this would not be a problem, but since it wasn't something that i ever paid attention to; i would then have two equally valid memories of what color the porch was.
So that whenever i looked at the porch, and compared the visual experience to my recollection of the porch ( as we do with everything ) there would be two equally valid memories of equal strength that would compete to claim that the porch color that was now experiencing was true or not...
Resulting in perpetual confusion.
You would think that the new color would overwrite the old color memory... But my attention to the color of the porch, even allowing for this confusion, which is causing me mental anxiety, is not enough to cause me to take the time to form a new, stronger memory.
This phenomena may be more common in the case of someone working in an office building, that sees someone that they recall... but not in great detail. Someone that's a little too tall or too fat or eyes that remind them of someone else...
And this person has worn their hair in a very unique, but not terribly memorial, style for a long time, and then changes it.
Now everytime the confused person sees this person with the new hair style, they experience a Dichotometric Memory.
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An Alternative Explanation for this Perceived Phenomena, which may be ‘activated’ by any number of Casually Observed Events or Objects, in which something seems ‘Off’ or ‘Wrong’.
This Alternative stems from Memories that are most Clear when we’re dreaming; In which we seem have a Very Complete & Detailed Recollection of An Entire Class of Phenomena that Should Fit Neatly into our Waking Life, But when we try very hard to Place these memories there, They will Not Fit. We may try to Relocate them another Town we once lived in, or a Time long ago, or even A movie or Book what we once Read or Saw. But all without Success. What makes these memories so very curious is that they are not just one memory from one dream, but they seem to be a Regular Feature from Many Dreams. A Very Complicated Feature or Features. And The More we try to Fit them into our Waking World, The Less Probable they Seem to Be. They Are Crazy Memories. There are little things about The Way these things would work, that are just completely Wrong. The Other Very Crazy thing about these Memories is that ‘Sometimes’, Very Rarely, But Occasionally; When you tell someone about these Memories of these Things; They will say; ‘Oh yeah, i Dream about those too.’ ( ! )
What is The Explanation for this Phenomena?
Are they Real Events from A Time Past, which has somehow been ‘Erased’, & some of us still have vague recollections about this ‘Before Time’ ?
A Lesser Degree of this occurs much more Frequently when we happen to turn an unfamiliar Corner, or unexpected turn down an isle at The Supermarket that we hadn’t intended to turn down— And thereafter; The Whole World seems a little ‘Off’.
Its as if we stepped into The ‘Other’ World. That doesn’t have (x’s. The (x’s that we were sure were commonplace in our ‘Old’ World. These (x’s most frequently take The form of Words that we’re sure exist, but can not be found in any dictionary, Or simple tools that can’t be found in any hardware store.

: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : o

The Really Real Truth About :

Their Origins & How they Went Bad

i. Vampires

ii. WereWolves

iii. Zombies

iv. BookWorms

v. EarWigs

vi. Albinos

vii. Dwarves & Midgets

viii. Faeries

ix. The Walking Fish People

x. Genius’


Day Dreaming About Squandering One’s Time

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:18:33 PM

Day Dreaming About Squandering One’s Time

i was just day dreaming a bit while making a cup of tea, & wondered about a conversation between an Old Man & A Young Woman in The Near Future; Where The Young Woman is commanding her Kitchen Atomic Fabricator ( Which would have some Irrelevant Commercial Nomenclature; Much The Way that we NowADays Call Many Computers ‘Apples’. ) To Create A Cup of Coffee.

The Old Man casually mentions that long ago; People used to ‘Make’ A Cup of Coffee

At which point My Day Dreaming Pondering Kicked in

I was reading’ The Woman would say; ‘Some time ago; That an Anthropologist considered this very question, or observation, & wondered how people of different cultures, or historical periods, ‘Used Their Time’. Specifically; Everyone spends a certain amount of time eating & sleeping, learning or ‘keeping up’, Participating in Sexual Flurries, Grinding away at their Personal Hygiene, Moving from Here to There &/or Doing Nothing.’

Anthropologists say that a given culture is ‘Affluent’ if they have a lot of ‘Free Time’ & using this Index; Many Preliterate, PreIndustrialized Societies are considerably more ‘Affluent’ than people living in Industrialized Societies.

So Following this Curve; As Technology creates more & more devices to Free Us Up from The Drudgery of ‘Chores’, Are we Transferring our Efforts to just more Drudgery of A Different Kind, Rather than becoming more Affluent ?

As it turned out; In this Study People of all kinds, from all different Technological Backgrounds, Educational Foundations, Gender, Religion & so on; Considering just about Everything; It turns out that People have somekind of ‘PreProgrammed’ Allocated Blocks for Doing Nothing, & The Culture that they live in doesn’t Effect that Genetic or ( ? ) Innate Scheduling one Iota !

Of Course; This only applies to ‘Classes’ of People, & Not Individuals. There are Plenty of ‘Individuals’ that buck this Trend by either Spinning Wildly Everyday in Endless Bee Like Behaviour; Or Sit Stupefied on Park Benches all Afternoon, Day after Day.

But as Cultural Entities; All The Gizmos that Technological Civilizations Create for their Damp Masses, Isn’t making them more Somnolent than their Ancestors were, that were tolling away their Lives under horrifically UnSanitary Conditions.

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How Accurate is this ?

Tendency to Shy Away from ‘Terrorism’

Friday, October 25, 2013 6:35:37 AM

Tendency to Shy Away from ‘Terrorism’


i’m not sure what this means; But i’ve noticed that lately in The News; A Variety of ‘Violent’ Acts; that only a few months ago would have been Designated as Acts of Terrorism, Are now Very Specifically; Labeled as NOT Terrorism.

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Sometimes The Act is Very Definitely Performed with The Intention of ‘Terrorizing’ Victims, But by these New Definitions, Only ‘Officially Licensed Al Q’dae Terrorists’ are Capable of Terrorizing anyone !

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i think that The Proper Direction that this should be taking, Is to Refer to what Islamic Arabs with The Proper Certification & Credentials to Perform Terrorism do; Be called something Else

So that our Local Criminals & Ne’er-Do-Wells can be given The recognition that they have worked hard to achieve, Of Terrorizing Their Regional Communities.

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This is just another of The Long List of ‘Cases’ in which We have allowed ‘The Terrorists’ to ‘Win’ & Rob us of our Freedoms, By Allowing our Own Government to Steal Our Freedoms.

It has always been Argued that The Terrorists Hate Freedom & Want to Take away our Liberties, But it’s Not Islamic Mullah’s that are Enslaving Us; It’s our Own Government !

This is widely accepted as True; But The Extent of how This Process is Whittling away at our Most Precious Fundimental Human Rights may Not be fully Realized !

Now they are Taking Away Our Rights to Be Terrorists !

We aren’t even allowed to Terrorize anyone anymore; Now all we can do is Act Mischievously as Individuals

Which is Exactly The Opposite of How The World is Actually Working NowADays ! It’s these Foreigners that are Engaging in Isolated & Usually Benign Acts of Harmless Mischief, While our Own; Serious Political Agitators are Humiliated with A Cheapening of their Efforts by A Linguistic Reallocation of Our Emotive Glossary to make their accomplishments mere Shenanigans.

Native American Warrior Priest

Native American Warrior Priest

To The Best of My Knowledge; None of The Native American Tribes ever developed anything like their own Unique Fighting Technique. The Closest that i’ve ever seen anything along these lines, is ‘Indian Wrestling’ & if that’s anything like Indian Music, it’s severely undeveloped.

Wouldn’t it be fun to Invent one.

You’d gather together several Native American Athletes, Bring in some Gymnasts, Ballerinas, Martial Artists from many different Disciplines, Physiologists, Mathematicians & Physicists; All of which have no Ties to Their Heritage, Or Anything like respect for The Old Ways or Anything at all; & Create a New Martial Arts that The Native Americans can call their own.

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Problem One :

Although this would be sold as an Ancient Marital Arts Technique, Handed down through The Centuries, Originally Created by The Little People that were The Mound Builders— Obviously NoOnes ever heard of it.

Solution : This Art was never meant for The ‘Lay’ Tribal Warrior, It was created & Used only by A Select Group of Medicine Myn & MidWifes that had a Superior Knowledge of Natural Magick With an Affiliation that Connected them to A Grander Holistic Union with The Universe. Although they were members of various given tribes, they used this Mystical Knowledge for a Greater Good that stretched far beyound The Blood Relatives that they Shared Biologically.

As Such; Many of The Highest Chiefs & Medicine Myn would not know about this.

It is The Native American’s Version of The Illuminatii, Freemasonry, The Rothchilds or Wiccans, but Mixed that all up with The Knights Templar, Samurai Warriors, Kung Fu Masters &/or Jedi Knights.

Their Magic was Real, Based on The Flora & Fauna that they had a Superiour Chemical Knowledge of, Understanding of Material Arts, Human & Animal Physiology, Simple Machines & How to Use Natural Forces.

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One Facet of this Grand Library of Knowledge was this Fighting Technique that they developed to Ward off Grizzly Bears, Timber Wolves, Rabid Badgers, ThunderBirds, Drunken Brutes, Stampedes of Buffalo or Bison, Dæmon Possessed Chickens, Swarms of Bees or Ants, Dust Storms & How to Avoid Lightning.

: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : o

The Process of Developing this New Martial Arts Method would be use The Core Group of Advisors ( See Above ) to Create a Core Base of Techniques; Then Share this & The Underlying Philosophy ( ? ) of this ‘Art’ with all The Other Central Committees for all The Other Tribes for Free. They would then be instructed to take this Core Base & Develop their Own Flavor of The Art, with their own Name for it, & then open their own facilities to teach it to Native Americans & Others of their Choice.

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The Principle Inclusive Idea behind this, would be that it’s entirely Unique & Not at all Derivative of other previous Martial Arts.

It would also have its own multitude of very unique Weapons, Costumes, Medicine Methods, Taboos, Language, Astrology & Alchemy, Origin Myths, Cyptids, Alien Lore, Art & Music, Body Decorations, Prose Poems, Children’s Monsters & Cures for Pink Eye.

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Is it more wrong ( A & B Selections ) ?

Sunday, October 6, 2013 8:59:00 AM

Hate Crimes

Although i’ve already ranted on this topic several dozen times before, i just can’t let go of it ! ( ! )

i have a problem with ‘Hate Crimes’.

Essentially; The Concept of Hate Crimes is Intended to Assign a Value of ‘Wrongness’ to A Particular Kind of Crime of Violence.

The Problem that i have with this is ; What is Wrongness ?

How would someone Assign a Value of Wrongness to (x ?

Adam is walking down The Street & sees another Man ( Bill ) walking towards him & Attacks him, beating Bill Furiously, Incurring Life Threatening Injuries.

Why ?

Why did Adam Attack Bill ?

Adam Coveted Bill’s Money or some Other Possessions.

Adam Thought that Bill was Another Man that was ‘Sleeping’ with Adam’s Wife.

Bill was, in fact, The Man that was ’Sleeping’ with Adam’s Wife.

Adam is Crazy & likes Attacking People for No Reason whatsoever, The Decision that Adam makes to Attack or Not Attack someone depends upon an Internal Chemical Reaction in a Given Neural Area which is Not Connected to Any External Stimulus, Or Perhaps if Pressed on this; Not any External Stimulus that has occurred Since their Infancy.

Bill belonged to An Ethnicity that Adam has had ‘Problems’ with in The Past.

Bill Belongs to An Ethnicity that Adam Perceives ( Rightly or Wrongly ) as The Same Ethnicity as Someone that is ‘Sleeping’ with Adam’s Wife.

It might be noted that The Marriage of Adam & Allison is Very Dysfunctional & That Neither Respects each other or Their Marriage Vows.

Speaking of Wrongness :

What is more Wrong;

Violence perpetrated for No Reason Other than it’s part of your Job,

Or Violence perpetrated as an Artistic Performance, full of Passion & Intellectual Fever ?

What is More Wrong :

Mulling around a Doorway, Blocking The Entry,

Or Bouncing an Eleven Year old Girl on your Knee that you just met at The Mall ?

What is More Wrong :

Walking around a Neighborhood at Night, dressed as a Circus Clown,

Or Licking The Face of A Stranger’s Baby ?

What is More Wrong :

Keeping A Secret that Everyone ( Everyone ) wants to Know,

Or Questioning a Entrenched Cultural Myth ?

What is More Wrong :

Drinking The Bodily Fluids of Domesticated Livestock,

Or Feeding A Hungry Child ?

What is More Wrong :

Releasing a Toxic Aerosol in The Vicinity of Children,

Or Tickling yourself on A Bus ?

What is More Wrong :

Using A Ubiquitous Media Outlet to Whip The Damp Masses into A Frenzy of Hysteria by withholding facts & replacing information from a news story with An Emotive Tirade of Meaningless Banalities,

Or Excessively Patting your CoWorkers on The Back at Work ?

What is More Wrong :

Sticking a Q-Tip in your Ear,

Or Asking a Stranger if you can buy their socks ?

What is More Wrong :

Eating The Flesh of Sentient Beings,

Or Insisting that your Children Murder Strangers in Far Away Lands ?

What is More Wrong :

Video Recording Anyone without their Knowledge,

Or Allowing Politicians to Act Unsupervised ?

An Honest Living ?

Sunday, October 6, 2013 9:08:00 AM

An Honest Living

What would be a Reasonable Manner by which someone could make an Honest Living,

As Opposed to someone engaged in some Criminal Activity,

Or A Disabled Person on The Dole

Or A Hobo.

Let’s start with a Hobo first; & let us further define The Hobo as someone that is Not a Criminal Hobo, but A Hermitic Hobo that lives in A Box or Barrel near The Town Dump, Wanders The Alleys at night, Fishing through Garbage Cans to find something to Eat, & when Sick, Suffers through it without seeking help & Dies without anyone holding his hand.

Is such a Person making an Honest Living ?

There are Two Considerations :

Is The Hobo a Burden on Society ?

Is The Hobo Contributing to Society ?

Is your Cat a Burden to Society, or Does your Cat Contribute to Society with sufficient Vitality to ‘Pay their Way’ ?

That last Question is The Real Measure of How we might Define an Honest Living.

The Criminal may be Economically Active; But The Thinking is that The Criminal Causes more Harm to Society than they Contribute.

The Victim suffers More than The Criminal & The Criminal’s Customers Benefit.

Of Course; There are many occasions when The Victim’s Suffering & Loss are Less than The Benefits that The Criminal & The Criminal’s Customers Accrue. In these Cases; Is The Criminal Making an ‘Honest’ Living According The Measurement Index of The Society ?

Certainly; There are many entirely Legal Occupations which result in The Suffering & Loss of Life of Its Workers & Customers, Which Further Enriches only The Business Owners & Investors, With little or No Benefit to The Society ( ! )

The Hobo ( Classes of : )

The UnProductive Hobo that Panhandles is A Burden On Society & Does Not make an Honest Living.

What about a Street Juggler ?

But there may be ‘Productive’ Hobo’s that are A Community’s ‘Character’ that most Citizens themselves Enjoy Watching or On other days, Hearing about their MisAdventures, & this May, Under Ideal Circumstance, Result in A Greater Value for The Society than The Costs or Burden of The Hobo’s Sustenance.

Such as A Village ‘Idiot’ ? Which everyone in The Community Finds Amusing & often refer to when considering any given Social Commentary ?

So that The Two Remaining Categories ( We’re Now Considering )

Are :

The Worker

The Freeloader on The Dole.

In each case: What are they Contributing to Society & Is That Contribution ‘Enough’.
Obviously; The Freeloader on The Dole will almost Certainly fall below that Threshold, but Alternatively; The Freeloader may be Contributing Any Number of Various Services which they are Not being Paid to Perform, But which Are A Benefit to The Community or Society or World Culture.

The Last & Truly Defining Question is :

How many Honest Workers that receive A Paycheck that keeps them & their Families Housed & Fed, Are somehow Not Contributing ‘Enough’.

One Example would be The Office Worker that is simply Very Unproductive, but has been lost in The Bureaucracy & has escaped being fired.

But another that occurred to me is someone that is providing a ‘KeyStone’ Critical Service to a Very Limited Number of Recipients, But without this Service; Other Peripheral Services or Production Lines would Collapse or Suffer from its Absence.

The Way that this Service Provider Survives is by OverCharging their Few Recipients, which are too dumb to realize they’re being ripped off, or perhaps, The Recipients are Addicted to The Service in A Psychopathological Manner, which prevents them from Severing their Ties to this Superfluous Service.

Examples of this :

Prostitution which acts as a poor man’s Therapist to keep them happy enough to continue grinding away at their soul charring job on an assembly line.

Repair Services for Obsolete Machines which their users continues to service because they can’t afford, Financially or Psychologically to Replace.

Software Producers which have Monopolized A Critical Sector of Computer Functionality.

Fashion Designers that Manipulate Their Consumers to Covet A Label over Their Product’s Quality.

The Entire Gallery Art Racket.

Any Given ‘Bubble’ Market.

Padro’s Principle states that for any (x;

80% of The Value of (x is Produced by 20% of The Service Providers.

This Idea Applies to Many Venues & Genrés.

Does this Account for How a Society can Function with So Few Productive Workers ?

It seems to me that there is a Second Threshold that allows The ‘UnProductive’ Freeloaders to Squeeze by as Viable Honest Laborers if they Produce Genuinely Unique Products & Services that Contribute to The World’s Culture. Such that Future Generations may ‘Pay Backwards in Time’ for The Services that They Generated during their Lives.

An Author of A Book that sold poorly during The Writer’s Life, but is now a ‘Classic’ of Literature would qualify under this Category.

The Paintings of Vincent Van Gogh.

Good Musicians that aren’t ‘Popular’.

Good Artists that are Competing with a Saturated Market of Trash Art.

Anyone that Keeps an Active Blog or Extensive Flickr Album Collection or Some Other Web Presence will continue to ‘Serve The World Culture’ long after they’re Dead, would be The Best Example, because it applies to so many ‘Ordinary’ Folk.

An Honest Living ?

Sunday, October 6, 2013 9:08:00 AM

An Honest Living

What would be a Reasonable Manner by which someone could make an Honest Living,

As Opposed to someone engaged in some Criminal Activity,

Or A Disabled Person on The Dole

Or A Hobo.

Let’s start with a Hobo first; & let us further define The Hobo as someone that is Not a Criminal Hobo, but A Hermitic Hobo that lives in A Box or Barrel near The Town Dump, Wanders The Alleys at night, Fishing through Garbage Cans to find something to Eat, & when Sick, Suffers through it without seeking help & Dies without anyone holding his hand.

Is such a Person making an Honest Living ?

There are Two Considerations :

Is The Hobo a Burden on Society ?

Is The Hobo Contributing to Society ?

Is your Cat a Burden to Society, or Does your Cat Contribute to Society with sufficient Vitality to ‘Pay their Way’ ?

That last Question is The Real Measure of How we might Define an Honest Living.

The Criminal may be Economically Active; But The Thinking is that The Criminal Causes more Harm to Society than they Contribute.

The Victim suffers More than The Criminal & The Criminal’s Customers Benefit.

Of Course; There are many occasions when The Victim’s Suffering & Loss are Less than The Benefits that The Criminal & The Criminal’s Customers Accrue. In these Cases; Is The Criminal Making an ‘Honest’ Living According The Measurement Index of The Society ?

Certainly; There are many entirely Legal Occupations which result in The Suffering & Loss of Life of Its Workers & Customers, Which Further Enriches only The Business Owners & Investors, With little or No Benefit to The Society ( ! )

The Hobo ( Classes of : )

The UnProductive Hobo that Panhandles is A Burden On Society & Does Not make an Honest Living.

What about a Street Juggler ?

But there may be ‘Productive’ Hobo’s that are A Community’s ‘Character’ that most Citizens themselves Enjoy Watching or On other days, Hearing about their MisAdventures, & this May, Under Ideal Circumstance, Result in A Greater Value for The Society than The Costs or Burden of The Hobo’s Sustenance.

Such as A Village ‘Idiot’ ? Which everyone in The Community Finds Amusing & often refer to when considering any given Social Commentary ?

So that The Two Remaining Categories ( We’re Now Considering )

Are :

The Worker

The Freeloader on The Dole.

In each case: What are they Contributing to Society & Is That Contribution ‘Enough’.
Obviously; The Freeloader on The Dole will almost Certainly fall below that Threshold, but Alternatively; The Freeloader may be Contributing Any Number of Various Services which they are Not being Paid to Perform, But which Are A Benefit to The Community or Society or World Culture.

The Last & Truly Defining Question is :

How many Honest Workers that receive A Paycheck that keeps them & their Families Housed & Fed, Are somehow Not Contributing ‘Enough’.

One Example would be The Office Worker that is simply Very Unproductive, but has been lost in The Bureaucracy & has escaped being fired.

But another that occurred to me is someone that is providing a ‘KeyStone’ Critical Service to a Very Limited Number of Recipients, But without this Service; Other Peripheral Services or Production Lines would Collapse or Suffer from its Absence.

The Way that this Service Provider Survives is by OverCharging their Few Recipients, which are too dumb to realize they’re being ripped off, or perhaps, The Recipients are Addicted to The Service in A Psychopathological Manner, which prevents them from Severing their Ties to this Superfluous Service.

Examples of this :

Prostitution which acts as a poor man’s Therapist to keep them happy enough to continue grinding away at their soul charring job on an assembly line.

Repair Services for Obsolete Machines which their users continues to service because they can’t afford, Financially or Psychologically to Replace.

Software Producers which have Monopolized A Critical Sector of Computer Functionality.

Fashion Designers that Manipulate Their Consumers to Covet A Label over Their Product’s Quality.

The Entire Gallery Art Racket.

Any Given ‘Bubble’ Market.

Padro’s Principle states that for any (x;

80% of The Value of (x is Produced by 20% of The Service Providers.

This Idea Applies to Many Venues & Genrés.

Does this Account for How a Society can Function with So Few Productive Workers ?

It seems to me that there is a Second Threshold that allows The ‘UnProductive’ Freeloaders to Squeeze by as Viable Honest Laborers if they Produce Genuinely Unique Products & Services that Contribute to The World’s Culture. Such that Future Generations may ‘Pay Backwards in Time’ for The Services that They Generated during their Lives.

An Author of A Book that sold poorly during The Writer’s Life, but is now a ‘Classic’ of Literature would qualify under this Category.

The Paintings of Vincent Van Gogh.

Good Musicians that aren’t ‘Popular’.

Good Artists that are Competing with a Saturated Market of Trash Art.

Anyone that Keeps an Active Blog or Extensive Flickr Album Collection or Some Other Web Presence will continue to ‘Serve The World Culture’ long after they’re Dead, would be The Best Example, because it applies to so many ‘Ordinary’ Folk.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Torchwood / Miracle Day

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 10:57:14 PM

Torchwood / Miracle Day

If you’re not Familiar with The BBC Sciffy Series; Torchwood

It’s kind of a Peculiar ‘Low Brow’ Science Fiction Series, On Par with that Series That Kevin Sorbo was in after he’d finished his Fabulous work in Hercules.

Torchwood is substantially dumber than StarGate SG1 or even 1999, if you remember that one.

It’s a spinoff from Doctor Who; And can you think of any Spinoff that wasn’t amazingly stupid ( ? )

Anyways; i don’t often find a Program or Film so annoying that i feel compelled to spend a few moments writing a blog on it, but this is one such case.

Ordinarily; i would just put it behind me & move on ( as they say ).

i’m not sure if ‘Miracle Day’ was just The Theme of a Season of Programs, or If it was a Special Series, but it consisted of about 9 or 10 Episodes, The Usual Number for British TV Series’.

The Theme of ( Major Spoilers Ahead !!! ) Miracle Day was that Everyone just stopped Dying. This theme is pretty old, but Torchwood decided to really flesh it out. They thoroughly considered all The Consequences of this Event & Drew it all Out.

i should also mention that The People ( Not Animals ) that were surviving were doing so by a clearly Magickal Process, Since there were survivors from being blow to bits or being decapitated.

Curiously; This aspect ( as it was Torchwood, which exists in an Alternative Reality where these sorts of things happen fairly routinely ) was not considered.

The Writing on Torchwood is Not Particularly Witty or Intellectual, So to criticize this Series along those lines would be unnecessarily cruel, But i do have a limit for redundancy which started to wear me down after The 3rd Episode.

The Other Thing which really broke me was a Plot Point that lead into Episode 4 ( or so ) which was supposed to have ‘Explained’ what role The Government ( US Government - Which is marginally odd, since this is a British Series, this Themed Series took place nearly exclusively in The United States ( ? ) ) turned out to be very feeble, And Entirely Reasonable to my way of thinking.

Another Aspect that took root before this was A Character played by Bill Pullman, that had murdered a 12 year old girl & survived an execution by lethal Injection. The Entire Plot keeps turning back to this Character which is made out to be somekind of Horrific Monster, but in this day & age; Who except The Girls Mother is going to be so disturbed over The Murder of Single 12 year old girl. ( ? )

He didn’t even eat her brains, Sexually mutilate her corpse, Film The Murder for Youtube or Make socks from her intestines.

( As i would have done, Check, check, check & check )

So anyways.

One of The Considerations that The World had to deal with, was all these People that were horrifically ‘Dead’, but Not Dead. One of The Aspects of this Flavor of being Undead was that they never lost consciousness, so that these ‘Really Dead’ Not Dead people would be entirely conscious of their Position. So that The US Government decided to just dope them up & Incinerate them.

The Torchwood Group thought that this was Awful, Just Awful & kept turning back, again & again & again to how Really Just Awful The US Government was for putting these lost souls out of their misery.

If they’d had an Alternative Solution; What was it ?

They spent a considerably amount of Screen Time making it absolutely clear that The Hospitals & all other resources were being gobbled up by these Incredibly UnDead People.

What was The Definitive Solution ?

i quit watching in The middle of The Next Episode after that was revealed, when i’d reached my limit for superfluously inane dialogue.

It seems to me that if you’re writing dialogue & you’re stumped for a clever witticism during a phone call, you might write in something like; ‘I don’t know, whatever’ & then you’d come back to it later & fix it But when that makes it to The Sound Stage & The Character reads that in front of The Camera, there is a serious breakdown of The Process.

But i was curious as to what ’The Explanation’ for this all was. So i looked it up on The Internet & Thankfully someone had The Tenacity to watch Miracle Day all The way to The End & Revealed Why The Dead Stopped Dying.

According to this Review; There is a Giant Slug in The Earth, Where The Molten Iron Core should be, That keeps The World ‘In Balance’ & The Giant Slug caught a Cold or somesuch, Throwing everything out of Kilter.

The Torchwood Group figured this out & took a kleenex down to The Slug & nursed it back to health, which allowed everyone to start dying again.

Thank gawd.
