Saturday, January 08, 2000


i was born as The Left most Head & Torso of conjoined triplets at The Turn of The Last Century; In 1900. We shared 5 Fully Functional Arms with An Additional 3 Amorphous Stumps that Our Parents insisted we retain for Religious Reasons. We also had 9 Legs of Various Lengths, which made walking comical to those inclined to laugh out loud. We also had 7 Regions of Ambiguous Genitalia, which we displayed for Prodigious Fees, But most of those that saved & saved, Then paid this Appalling Inducement, seemed well satisfied after gazing on our strange wedges of bumps & ducts for The Allotted three minutes.

We toured Several Carnivals & Circus’; Endured countless Medical Examinations And Were Separated & Rejoined dozens of Times. We Changed our Genitalia several times in a futile attempt to attract The Love & Attention that we Imagined Ordinary People Enjoyed without Effort.

We Invented several of The Major Inventions that The World now enjoys; Although in each case; Charlatans & Hucksters stole credit for these Achievements.

After 55 Years of this continuous humiliation; We were finally Successfully Separated and Given to Different Families to be Raised under Three very different Political Philosophies. Curiously; We were all raised by Nudists & Studied Witchcraft & Divination, Animal Husbandry & Cat Whispering, Furniture Design & Carpentry; As well as Pan Handling & Purse Snatching.

Years later when we found each other under The Most Improbably Circumstances and moved into The Basement of A Startling Short & Foul Mouthed Excommunicated Nun.
We discovered that None of Us ever learned to Tie our Own Shoelaces, Write in Longhand, Mow a lawn, Defend Ourselves against a Bear Attack, Control our Ability to Spontaneously Start Fires, Make an Origami Crane, Change A Lightbulb or Master our Extreme Fear of Grasshoppers.

We Then Started a World Wide Cult that was responsible for Many Terrorist Acts, of which, None received Any Publicity by The Major News Agencies. During this Period; Our Previously Middle Sister was kept in a Barrel under The back Stairs to Protect both herself from Sharply Pointed Tools & Writing Implements, And to protect us from her frequent tendency to superglue Monopoly Game Pieces to our Faces while we were Sleeping. She was The First of us to Sicken & Die, Wrapped in an Old Blanket & Attentively Cared for in The Laundry Room. The Cult was Terminated; And We Required all of our Followers to have those portions of Their Brains that Contained Pass Codes & Details for The End of The World that We Revealed, To be Removed & Discarded in A Ritually Prescribed Manner.

We then endured a time of Collecting Cats to fill this Emptiness. Many of which were Rare Breeds that we allowed, to The Great Chagrin of Other Local Cat Collectors; to Procreate with Ordinary & Filthy Alley Cats. When we got up to 831 Cats; The Neighbors reported us to The Authorities, which took nearly all The Cats and Rendered them into Glue Sticks. Fortunately; We managed to save nearly all of Their Fur, which we knit into Several Meticulously Designed Quilts, Which won some Minor Local Awards.

Now there is just Wanda Louise & myself living together in The Closet of Dissociated Head, Kept Alive with Machines built by Thomas Edison, that hand crafts mailing envelopes with Remotely Controlled Chop Sticks. This was once a lucrative enterprise, but with The Collapse of The Post Office, We are required to pay most of The Rent; As The Head’s Poetry sells very poorly.

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Chrstphre Campbell
903 West Spofford Avenue
Unit Number Seven
Spokane Washington 99205-4558

My Fllickr Album
Especially Special Flickr Sets

Jiggery Pokery

Especially Special Flickr Collections
I Made This!
Zynes & StapleBooks

My Flickr Groups
Pure Kludge
Jiggery Pokery
Front & Back

Ancient Ancestors Flickr Album

My iCompositions Collection
Music that i wrote with Garageband

My Scratch Potpourri
Scratch is A Programming Language that was Created for Very Young Children,
But many Adults have been Using it to Make some Very Clever Programs.
i’ve used it to make several UnCode Encryptors.
An UnCode is A Method to Format a PlainText so That looks like It’s in Code,
But can easily be Read by An Attentive 3rd Grader ( In Most Versions ),
That knows The Secret.

More Curious & Enlightening Links

The Cabbage Codes

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In my Last Version of My Resumé
i noted that :

i think i may have this...! ( Dyscalculia! )

i have since decided that it is closer to :

Boolean Dyslexia
Concerning A form of Programming in which The Overview is easily achieved,
but the programmer confuses the use of simple mathematical functions,
such as * & ÷ or + & -.
The Boolean Dyslexic may also be confused by While Repeats & Do Until's.
Debugging is often reduced to randomly changing various functions...!

Tuesday, January 04, 2000

My Beté Noires

Pet Peeves;
Grand & Otherwize

  1. Which will fall faster;
    The hammer or the feather!
    This experiment supposedly dates back to the experiments of Galileo...
    or Newton... or Bill Bixby... ( ??? )
    Anyways; i'm sure you're familiar with the basic premise;
    If you were to drop a hammer & a feature ( in a vacuum to be especially accurate )
    Which would fall faster...?
    The Populist Answer is that they would fall at the same rate...!
    Which is Completely Wrongity Wrong, and Wrong, Wrong, Wrong...!!!
    It couldn't be more Wrong.
    The Correct Answer is;
    The Hammer.
    The confusion is brought about by the substantially greater size of The Earth than either The Hammer or The Feature...!!!
    The Difference between The Accumulative Gravitational Attraction of The Earth & The Hammer, and The Earth & The Feather...
    Is Very, Very, Very, VVVEEERRRYYY TINY...!!!
    But the sum of the Earth & hammer is greater...
    This would be alot easier to see if you were dropping The Moon & The Feather on The Earth, Rather than the hammer & feather...!!!
    Why is this so bad...
    Because it's teaching children ( and many adults ) to THINK BADLY...!!!
  2. The Problem of Zero...!
    Another of my pet peeves is teaching children that our modern mathematical system was brought about substantially by the introduction of the ZERO...!
    Without the Zero, so it is said;
    We would be unable to Add & Subtract with the ease that we do...!
    i would be willing to concede that if we were choosing between the Roman System of Alphanumerics & our current Middle Eastern collection of actual numbers...
    The numbers win.
    But if you instead took the numbers and simply removed the Zero...
    Allowing for one between 1 & -1...
    and that's all...!
    You could still have a perfectly viable system of mathematics,
    and be able to add & subtract, multiple & divide, and use nondecimal fractions with the same ease that we do now...
    ( allowing for a few months of getting used to it...! )
    It's a little confusing trying to demonstrate this system with numbers,
    So; instead, i'll give you a brief introduction using the alphabet,
    because you don't have any ( preconceived ideas about how alphabetic characters should behave as quantitative symbols...??? )
    For this example; The base we'll be using will have 26 numbers;
    A through Z
    A will be One, B will be Two and so on...
    Until Z equals TwentySix.
    THEN; Without the Zero; TwentySeven will be AA.
    Using the same method as we do with a base ten system of 'Numbers';
    You can break this down into columns with The lefter most A being equal to One Set of TwentySix's,
    and the Righter most A being equal to one set of One.
    TwentySix Plus One Equals TwentySeven...!
    TwentyEight would then be AB... and so on.
    Natureally; You can then create a Table of Addition & Multiplication,
    which would be memorized as Decimalians memorize theirs and off you go.
    The Necessity of Zero is A BIG FAT MYTH...!!!
  3. Think Dang It...!!!
    Refute all that crazy nonsense that they've filled your head with...You'll be far better off, if you simply recall various items that you've been taught,
    and Believe Exactly the Opposite...!!!
    ( The exceptions to this rule are so few that when you encounter one, it will be immediately obvious & reversible before extensive monetary damages should occur. )
  4. The Seven Simple Machines!
    The Seven as they are commonly listed are:
    The Lever / & Fulcrum ( Counted as One )
    The Incline Plane
    The Wedge
    The Screw
    The Pulley
    The Wheel & Axel ( Counted as Two...!? )
    Some Revisionists would like to add: Gears...!!!
    Clearly; The Incline Plane and The Wedge are the same tool.
    It's only that one moves through the material being separated,
    The other remains stationary while the material moves on one side of the Wedge.
    It's basically a topological problem...
    Likewise; The screw is an Incline Plane/Wedge,
    that is wrapped around an Axel.
    And why does the Wheel get an Axel,
    while The Pulley, which is the same tool, does not...!
    Again; The Wheel moves along a Track,
    While the Track moves around a Pulley.
    And if you include Gears as an elemental Simple Machine, they are clearly just wheels that extend the efficiency of Pulleys ( by means of Ratio Interactivity ) by means of their teeth...
    This is a slight & marginal improvement of the Basic Functionality...
    It is absolutely not a new category...!!!
    As For the Lever; It's a self contained Inclined Plane,
    and isn't a Wheel a Circular Lever,
    where as the Fulcrum is the axel...
    Visualize a ball being thrown essentially horizontally...
    vs- being thrown so hard that it reaches orbital velocity...!
    The Wheel as a Lever demonstrates the same relationship...!
    It seems to be that The Seven Simple Machines are Actually manifestations of a single principle,
    While there are countless other Machines that are not mentioned...
    Just what is a Machine anyways...???
    Is a Diode a Machine,
    A Hole...???
    A Sphere...?
    A Plane...?
    A Hollow Space...? ( Daoists & Buddhists would say: Yes! )
    A String...?
    An Axel is Clearly a Machine in itself...
    Can a Simple Machine have parts...???
    How many Parts...???
    If you allow a Lever to have a Fulcrum,
    ( A stick; which is an independent machine, with a vertice )
    Then why not Let 5 or 6 parts form a simple machine...???

Monday, January 03, 2000

Weird Ascii MetaCharacters

Most Useful Characters:
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ← ↑ ‍ → ↓ ↔ « » ‹ › ◊
¡ ¿ € £ ¤ ¥ ¢ ‰ ¶ “ ” „ ‌ ¦ ‡ † § © ™ ® ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¾
· • ª º ¨ × ÷ − √ ∞ ∩ ∫ ± ¬ ~ ≈ ≠ ≡ ◊ ø Ø ≤ ≥
Δ Ω α β π µ ð ∂ ∏ ∑ ƒ
Æ Ç Ð Ñ Þ ßßβ æ ç ð ñ ø þ
à á â ã ä å è é ê ë ì í î ï ò ó ô õ ö ù ú û ý ÿ

Ξ.6 Controllers ξ.6 Controllers
Φφ Phi = Golden Ratio
τ tau = Golden Ratio

α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ ϒ ϖ χ ψ ω

א Aleph - "ox"
ב Bet - "house"
ג Gimel - "camel"
ד Dalet - "fish"
ה Heh - "jubilation"
ו Vav - "hook"
ז Zain - "manacle"
ח Ħet
ט Tet
י Yod - "arm"
כ Kaf - "hand"
ל Lamed - "goad
מ Mem - "water"
נ Nun
ס Samech
ע ain - "eye
פ Peh - "mouth"
צ Tsadeh - "plant"
ק Qoph - "monkey"
ר Reš - "head"
ש Šin
ת Tav - "signature

П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я 

Not only does this WebDings not work here, 
but i can't seem to get them to work on my computer, 
Which seems incomprehensible to me ( ??? )
Here is a Link to A Google Docs of My Funnest Characters though— 

Funnest Characters ! 


cc 33 cc
Red ff 00 00
Pink ff cc cc
Orange ff 99 00
Gold ff cc 00
Yellow ff ff 00
Green 33 cc 00
PukeGreen 99 99 00
Blue 33 66 ff
Teal 33 cc ff
GreyBlue 00 cc cc
Purple 66 00 cc
Black 00 00 00
White ff ff ff
Grey 99 99 99

Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

nbsp " " -- no-break space = non-breaking space
iexcl "¡" -- inverted exclamation mark
cent "¢" -- cent sign
pound "£" -- pound sign
curren "¤" -- currency sign
yen "¥" -- yen sign = yuan sign
brvbar "¦" -- broken bar = broken vertical bar
sect "§" -- section sign
uml "¨" -- diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
copy "©" -- copyright sign
ordf "ª" -- feminine ordinal indicator
laquo "«" --left pointing guillemet
not "¬" -- not sign
shy "­" -- soft hyphen
reg "®" -- registered sign
macr "¯" -- macron = spacing macron = overline

deg "°" -- degree sign
plusmn "±" -- plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
sup2 "²" -- superscript two
sup3 "³" -- superscript three
acute "´" -- acute accent
micro "µ" -- micro sign
para "¶" -- pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
middot "·" -- middle dot = Georgian comma
cedil "¸" -- cedilla = spacing cedilla
sup1 "¹" -- superscript one
ordm "º" -- masculine ordinal indicator
raquo "»" --right pointing guillemet
frac14 "¼" -- vulgar fraction one quarter
frac12 "½" -- vulgar fraction one half
frac34 "¾" -- vulgar fraction three quarters
iquest "¿" -- inverted question mark
Agrave "À" -- latin capital letter A with grave
Aacute "Á" -- latin capital letter A with acute
Acirc "Â" -- latin capital letter A with circumflex
Atilde "Ã" -- latin capital letter A with tilde
Auml "Ä" -- latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Aring "Å" -- latin capital letter A with ring above
AElig "Æ" -- latin capital letter AE
Ccedil "Ç" -- latin capital letter C with cedilla
Egrave "È" -- latin capital letter E with grave
Eacute "É" -- latin capital letter E with acute
Ecirc "Ê" -- latin capital letter E with circumflex
Euml "Ë" -- latin capital letter E with diaeresis
Igrave "Ì" -- latin capital letter I with grave
Iacute "Í" -- latin capital letter I with acute
Icirc "Î" -- latin capital letter I with circumflex
Iuml "Ï" -- latin capital letter I with diaeresis
ETH "Ð" -- latin capital letter ETH
Ntilde "Ñ" -- latin capital letter N with tilde
Ograve "Ò" -- latin capital letter O with grave
Oacute "Ó" -- latin capital letter O with acute
Ocirc "Ô" -- latin capital letter O with circumflex
Otilde "Õ" -- latin capital letter O with tilde
Ouml "Ö" -- latin capital letter O with diaeresis
times "×" -- multiplication sign
Oslash "Ø" -- latin capital letter O with stroke
Ugrave "Ù" -- latin capital letter U with grave
Uacute "Ú" -- latin capital letter U with acute
Ucirc "Û" -- latin capital letter U with circumflex
Uuml "Ü" -- latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Yacute "Ý" -- latin capital letter Y with acute
THORN "Þ" -- latin capital letter THORN
szlig "ß" -- latin small letter sharp s
agrave "à" -- latin small letter a with grave
aacute "á" -- latin small letter a with acute
acirc "â" -- latin small letter a with circumflex
atilde "ã" -- latin small letter a with tilde
auml "ä" -- latin small letter a with diaeresis
aring "å" -- latin small letter a with ring above
aelig "æ" -- latin small letter ae
ccedil "ç" -- latin small letter c with cedilla
egrave "è" -- latin small letter e with grave
eacute "é" -- latin small letter e with acute
ecirc "ê" -- latin small letter e with circumflex
euml "ë" -- latin small letter e with diaeresis
igrave "ì" -- latin small letter i with grave
iacute "í" -- latin small letter i with acute
icirc "î" -- latin small letter i with circumflex
iuml "ï" -- latin small letter i with diaeresis
eth "ð" -- latin small letter eth
ntilde "ñ" -- latin small letter n with tilde
ograve "ò" -- latin small letter o with grave
oacute "ó" -- latin small letter o with acute
ocirc "ô" -- latin small letter o with circumflex
otilde "õ" -- latin small letter o with tilde
ouml "ö" -- latin small letter o with diaeresis
divide "÷" -- division sign, U+00F7 ISOnum
oslash "ø" -- latin small letter o with stroke
ugrave "ù" -- latin small letter u with grave
uacute "ú" -- latin small letter u with acute
ucirc "û" -- latin small letter u with circumflex
uuml "ü" -- latin small letter u with diaeresis
yacute "ý" -- latin small letter y with acute
thorn "þ" -- latin small letter thorn
yuml "ÿ" -- latin small letter y with diaeresis
Mathematical, Greek and Symbolic characters for HTML
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986:
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.

Latin Extended-B
fnof "ƒ" -- latin small f with hook = function= florin

Alpha "Α" -- greek capital letter alpha
Beta "Β" -- greek capital letter beta
Gamma "Γ" -- greek capital letter gamma
Delta "Δ" -- greek capital letter delta
Epsilon "Ε" -- greek capital letter epsilon
Zeta "Ζ" -- greek capital letter zeta
Eta "Η" -- greek capital letter eta
Theta "Θ" -- greek capital letter theta
Iota "Ι" -- greek capital letter iota
Kappa "Κ" -- greek capital letter kappa
Lambda "Λ" -- greek capital letter lambda
Mu "Μ" -- greek capital letter mu
Nu "Ν" -- greek capital letter nu
Xi "Ξ" -- greek capital letter xi
Omicron "Ο" -- greek capital letter omicron
Pi "Π" -- greek capital letter pi
Rho "Ρ" -- greek capital letter rho
Sigma "Σ" -- greek capital letter sigma
Tau "Τ" -- greek capital letter tau
Upsilon "Υ" -- greek capital letter upsilon
Phi "Φ" -- greek capital letter phi
Chi "Χ" -- greek capital letter chi
Psi "Ψ" -- greek capital letter psi
Omega "Ω" -- greek capital letter omega

alpha "α" -- greek small letter alpha
beta "β" -- greek small letter beta
gamma "γ" -- greek small letter gamma
delta "δ" -- greek small letter delta
epsilon "ε" -- greek small letter epsilon
zeta "ζ" -- greek small letter zeta
eta "η" -- greek small letter eta
theta "θ" -- greek small letter theta
iota "ι" -- greek small letter iota
kappa "κ" -- greek small letter kappa
lambda "λ" -- greek small letter lambda
mu "μ" -- greek small letter mu
nu "ν" -- greek small letter nu
xi "ξ" -- greek small letter xi
omicron "ο" -- greek small letter omicron
pi "π" -- greek small letter pi
rho "ρ" -- greek small letter rho
sigmaf "ς" -- greek small letter final sigma
sigma "σ" -- greek small letter sigma
tau "τ" -- greek small letter tau
upsilon "υ" -- greek small letter upsilon
phi "φ" -- greek small letter phi
upsih "ϒ" -- greek upsilon with hook symbol
piv "ϖ" -- greek pi symbol

General Punctuation
bull "•" -- bullet = black small circle
hellip "…" -- horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
prime "′" -- prime = minutes = feet
Prime "″" -- double prime = seconds = inches
oline "‾" -- overline = spacing overscore
frasl "⁄" -- fraction slash

Letterlike Symbols
weierp "℘" -- script capital P = power set
i "χ" -- greek small letter chi,
psi "ψ" -- greek small letter psi
omega "ω" -- greek small letter omega
thetasym "ϑ" -- greek small letter theta symbol
image "ℑ" -- blackletter capital I = imaginary part
real "ℜ" -- blackletter capital R = real part symbol
trade "™" -- trade mark sign
alefsym "ℵ" -- alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal

larr "←" -- leftwards arrow
uarr "↑" -- upwards arrow
rarr "→" -- rightwards arrow
darr "↓" -- downwards arrow
harr "↔" -- left right arrow
crarr "↵" -- downwards arrow with corner leftwards
lArr "⇐" -- leftwards double arrow
uArr "⇑" -- upwards double arrow
dArr "⇓" -- downwards double arrow
hArr "⇔" -- left right double arrow

-- Mathematical Operators
forall "∀" -- for all
part "∂" -- partial differential
exist "∃" -- there exists
empty "∅" -- empty set = null set = diameter
nabla "∇" -- nabla = backward difference
isin "∈" -- element of
notin "∉" -- not an element of
ni "∋" -- contains as member
prod "∏" -- n-ary product = product sign
sum "∑" -- n-ary sumation
minus "−" -- minus sign
lowast "∗" -- asterisk operator
radic "√" -- square root = radical sign
prop "∝" -- proportional to
infin "∞" -- infinity
ang "∠" -- angle
and "∧" -- logical and = wedge
or "∨" -- logical or = vee
cap "∩" -- intersection = cap
cup "∪" -- union = cup
int "∫" -- integral
there4 "∴" -- therefore
sim "∼" -- tilde operator = varies with = similar to
cong "≅" -- approximately equal to
asymp "≈" -- almost equal to = asymptotic to
ne "≠" -- not equal to
equiv "≡" -- identical to
le "≤" -- less-than or equal to
ge "≥" -- greater-than or equal to
sub "⊂" -- subset of
sup "⊃" -- superset of
nsub "⊄" -- not a subset of
sube "⊆" -- subset of or equal to
supe "⊇" -- superset of or equal to
oplus "⊕" -- circled plus = direct sum
otimes "⊗" -- circled times = vector product
perp "⊥" -- up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
sdot "⋅" -- dot operator

Miscellaneous Technical
lceil "⌈" -- left ceiling = apl upstile
rceil "⌉" -- right ceiling
lfloor "⌊" -- left floor = apl downstile
rfloor "⌋" -- right floor
lang "〈" -- left-pointing angle bracket = bra
rang "〉" -- right-pointing angle bracket = ket

Geometric Shapes
loz "◊" -- lozenge

Miscellaneous Symbols
spades "♠" -- black spade suit
clubs "♣" -- black club suit = shamrock
hearts "♥" -- black heart suit = valentine
diams "♦" -- black diamond suit

Entity Unicode Character
Á á Â â ´ Æ æ À à ℵ Α α & ∧ ∠ Å å ≈ Ã ã Ä ä „ Β β ¦ • ∩ Ç ç ¸ ¢ Χ χ ˆ ♣ ≅ © ↵ ∪ ¤ ‡ † ⇓ ↓ ° Δ δ ♦ ÷ É é Ê ê È è ∅     Ε ε ≡ Η η Ð ð Ë ë € ∃ ƒ ∀ ½ ¼ ¾ ⁄ Γ γ ≥ ⇔ ↔
♥ … Í í Î î ¡ Ì ì ℑ ∞ ∫ Ι ι ¿ ∈ Ï ï Κ κ Λ λ 〈 « ⇐ ← ⌈ “ ≤ ⌊ ∗ ◊ ‎ ‹ ‘
¯ — µ · − Μ μ ∇ – ≠ ∋ ¬ ∉ ⊄ Ñ ñ Ν ν Ó ó Ô ô Œ œ Ò ò ‾ Ω ω Ο ο ⊕ ∨ ª º Ø ø Õ õ ⊗ Ö ö ¶ ∂ ‰ ⊥ Φ φ Π π ϖ ± £ ″ ′ ∏ ∝ Ψ ψ " √ 〉 » ⇒ → ⌉ ” ℜ ® ⌋ Ρ ρ ‏ › ’ ‚ Š š ⋅ § Σ
σ ς ∼ ♠ ⊂ ⊆ ∑ ⊃ ¹ ² ³ ⊇ ß Τ τ ∴ Θ θ ϑ   Þ þ ˜ × ™ Ú ú ⇑ ↑ Û û Ù ù ¨ ϒ Υ υ Ü ü ℘ Ξ ξ Ý ý ¥ Ÿ ÿ Ζ ζ ‍ ‌

- - - -
Concerning the Character mentioned in The Comments Below
It appeared very oddly in my Email Notification :

Name That Colour...???

Most computers these days offer a selection of 16 Million [+] Colours to choose from when you're creating graphics or rendering a picture...
How many of those colours have Actual Names...!!! ( ? )
Here's a guide to get you started...
When this is filled up, We'll create sub categories to each Hue listed,
Until the list includes all 16 Million Varieties...!!!

Translucent - Translucent
Translucent - Iridescent
Translucent - White
Translucent - Violet
Translucent - Red
Translucent - Orange
Translucent - Yellow
Translucent - Green
Translucent - Blue
Translucent - Purple
Translucent - Brown
Translucent - Grey
Translucent - Metallic
Translucent - Black
Iridescent - Translucent
Iridescent - Iridescent
Iridescent - White
Iridescent - Violet
Iridescent - Red
Iridescent - Orange
Iridescent - Yellow
Iridescent - Green
Iridescent - Blue
Iridescent - Purple
Iridescent - Brown
Iridescent - Grey
Iridescent - Metallic
Iridescent - Black
Whitish - Translucent
Whitish - Iridescent
Whitish - White
Whitish - Violet
Whitish - Red
Whitish - Orange
Whitish - Yellow
Whitish - Green
Whitish - Blue
Whitish - Purple
Whitish - Brown
Whitish - Grey
Whitish - Metallic
Whitish - Black
Violetish - Translucent
Violetish - Iridescent
Violetish - White
Violetish - Violet
Violetish - Red
Violetish - Orange
Violetish - Yellow
Violetish - Green
Violetish - Blue
Violetish - Purple
Violetish - Brown
Violetish - Grey
Violetish - Metallic
Violetish - Black
Redish - Translucent
Redish - Iridescent
Redish - White
Redish - Violet
Redish - Red
Redish - Orange
Redish - Yellow
Redish - Green
Redish - Blue
Redish - Purple
Redish - Brown
Redish - Grey
Redish - Metallic
Redish - Black Dead Blood
Orangish - Translucent
Orangish - Iridescent
Orangish - White
Orangish - Violet
Orangish - Red
Orangish - Orange Navel Orange
Orangish - Yellow
Orangish - Green
Orangish - Blue
Orangish - Purple
Orangish - Brown
Orangish - Grey
Orangish - Metallic
Orangish - Black
Yellowish - Translucent
Yellowish - Iridescent
Yellowish - White Fresh Semen
Yellowish - Violet
Yellowish - Red
Yellowish - Orange
Yellowish - Yellow
Yellowish - Green
Yellowish - Blue
Yellowish - Purple
Yellowish - Brown
Yellowish - Grey
Yellowish - Metallic
Yellowish - Black
Greenish - Translucent
Greenish - Iridescent
Greenish - White
Greenish - Violet
Greenish - Red
Greenish - Orange
Greenish - Yellow
Greenish - Green
Greenish - Blue
Greenish - Purple
Greenish - Brown
Greenish - Grey
Greenish - Metallic
Greenish - Black
Bluish - Translucent
Bluish - Iridescent
Bluish - White
Bluish - Violet
Bluish - Red
Bluish - Orange
Bluish - Yellow
Bluish - Green
Bluish - Blue
Bluish - Purple
Bluish - Brown
Bluish - Grey
Bluish - Metallic
Bluish - Black
Purplish - Translucent
Purplish - Iridescent
Purplish - White
Purplish - Violet
Purplish - Red
Purplish - Orange
Purplish - Yellow
Purplish - Green
Purplish - Blue
Purplish - Purple
Purplish - Brown
Purplish - Grey
Purplish - Metallic
Purplish - Black
Brownish - Translucent
Brownish - Iridescent
Brownish - White
Brownish - Violet
Brownish - Red
Brownish - Orange
Brownish - Yellow
Brownish - Green
Brownish - Blue
Brownish - Purple
Brownish - Brown
Brownish - Grey
Brownish - Metallic
Brownish - Black
Greyish - Translucent
Greyish - Iridescent
Greyish - White
Greyish - Violet
Greyish - Red
Greyish - Orange
Greyish - Yellow
Greyish - Green
Greyish - Blue
Greyish - Purple
Greyish - Brown
Greyish - Grey
Greyish - Metallic
Greyish - Black
Metallicy - Translucent
Metallicy - Iridescent
Metallicy - White
Metallicy - Violet
Metallicy - Red
Metallicy - Orange
Metallicy - Yellow
Metallicy - Green
Metallicy - Blue
Metallicy - Purple
Metallicy - Brown
Metallicy - Grey
Metallicy - Metallic
Metallicy - Black
Blackish - Translucent
Blackish - Iridescent
Blackish - White
Blackish - Violet
Blackish - Red
Blackish - Orange
Blackish - Yellow
Blackish - Green
Blackish - Blue
Blackish - Purple
Blackish - Brown
Blackish - Grey
Blackish - Metallic
Blackish - Black Midnight

Sunday, January 02, 2000

Experiments with HTML...

Reference: Experiments with HTML
Source For HTML Information

Letters list:

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Lemons
  4. Oranges

Lowercase letters list:

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Lemons
  4. Oranges

Roman numbers list:

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Lemons
  4. Oranges

Lowercase Roman numbers list:

  1. Apples
  2. Bananas
  3. Lemons
  4. Oranges

A Definition List:

Black hot drink
White cold drink

This form sends an e-mail to me.





When a user clicks on a radio-button, the button becomes checked, and all other buttons with the same name become unchecked

This is
preformatted text.
It preserves both spaces
and line breaks.
<< ->LIST >>

The pre tag is good for displaying computer code:

Computer code
<< ->LIST
dOES THIS wORK? Doesn't preserve spacing...!

Keyboard input

Teletype text

Sample text

Computer variable << >> ->LIST

Note: These tags are often used to display computer/programming code.

See also Chapter 4.

Chapter 1

This chapter explains ba bla bla

Chapter 2

This chapter explains ba bla bla

Chapter 3

This chapter explains ba bla bla

Chapter 4

This chapter explains ba bla bla

Chapter 5

This chapter explains ba bla bla

Chapter 6

This chapter explains ba bla bla


Saturday, January 01, 2000


This Blog Page is for
If you don't have any Official Business to Conduct Here...
Then Get the Heck Off This Link...!!!

  1. Chrstphre Campbell
    PMB 185
    590 Farrington Highway #210
    Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707
    (509) 990-2750
  2. As of May 17th 2006
    Chrstphre Campbell
    4211 North Hawthorne
    Spokane, Washington 99205
    (509) 990-2750
  3. Art Bell ( )
    830/AM Radio 7p-5a M-F 9p-? SS
    January 5th ( ? ) Ramona Died
    Art Bell
    c/o Premiere Radio Networks
    15260 Ventura Blvd. 5th Floor
    Sherman Oaks, California 91403
  4. Social Security...
    Chrstphre Campbell / 2 Syllable Password
    chrstphre / 2 Syllable Password
    TransAmoebae / 2 Syllable Password / First Letter Capitalized
    eep / 2 Syllable Password
    (509)990-2750 / chrstphre / 2 Syllable Password + #
    chrstphre / 4 Syllable Password / HP Nomclemature
  11. Books:
    Bears Discover Fire / Bisson
    Poor Sailor / Sammy Harkham
    Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs & Other Things... ( Anthology )
    Hunt for The Skinwalker
  12. Bell's Inequality SciAm November 79 / pp. 241
    Reports of Prog. Physics / 1978 pp. 41
  13. Bible Verses
    Jeremiah 10:1-4 Chrstmsa Trees are BAD...!!!
    Jeremiah 10:8-10 Fancy Cloths, Tinsel & Ornaments are BAD...!!!
    Genesis 32:24-32 Jacob Wrestles with God
    Leviticus 19: 14 Tripping the blind is BAD...!!!
    Deuteronomy 27:18 Jokes with the blind are BAD...!!! ( 29:18 ??? )
    Deuteronomy 25:11 How Not to Stop a Fight...!!!
  14. Scrabble Values:
    A = 1
    B = 3
    C = 3
    D = 2
    E = 1
    F = 4
    G = 2
    H = 4
    I = 1
    J = 8
    K = 5
    L = 1
    M = 3
    N = 1
    O = 1
    P = 3
    Q = 10
    R = 1
    S = 1
    T = 1
    U = 1
    V = 4
    W = 4
    X = 8
    Y = 4
    = 10
  15. Best Games on Mac
    Pathways into Darkness
    FA-18 Hornet
  16. What is: Rasa Libre ( Kooky Cardboard - Radio ) ???
  17. Chartpak Magic FX ( Hexigonical Lead )
    Crazy Chromatic Colouring Pencil
  18. HP Service Dept. / 1-800-227-8164
  19. Card Slot Cover ( Package of 10 )
    # 0048-60903
    Card Slot Cover for 48sx or gx Calculator
  20. Address:
    Auntie Beverly
    Patterson Square
    East 857 Lyons # 51
    Spokane Washington 99208-6626
    Sandi Crabtree
    4704 North Cedar
    Spokane Washington 99205
    The Abby E Glenn
    North 4125 Wall
    Spokane Washington 99205
  23. Marc Calvary
  24. William Tychonievich
  26. SSI
  27. Disinfectant : Antiseptic Germicide Povidone-Iodine
  28. Size Specifics for Pictures 1600 / 400 / 320 / 200 ???
  29. Number of Genes / 25,000 ( November '05 estimate )
  30. i can never remember all the kinds of numbers...!
    Whole Numbers ( Natural Numbers ), Integers, Rationals, Irrationals, Algebraics, Transcendentals, Complex
  31. EBT # 1,208,321,478,971,365,822 / Magic # / 4 Digits
  32. Up All Night / Michael Kupperman / P. Revess
  33. Chris Ware
ReOrganize when i have more time...

  1. Keep Rubberstamps in view by installing ceramic magnets inside the wooden blocks and holding them up against a metal plate, with the images under the blocks...
  2. Cabbage Ontological Argument
    The GC is so different from ordinary C's that it is qualitatively unrecognizable as a Cabbage
    Consider a Mona Lisa 50_miles across
    Given that all the attributes of the GC ( as defined ) then if any one of these qualities existed in that Quantitiy, then it must be attached to something
    Consider things that are red
    One of these things ( attributes ) must exist
    As a primary source of all lesser thing that require to partake of it
    All sentient things must draw upon the source of sentience
    Thus this unlimited attribute must be manifest as a quality of the GC...
    Needs Work