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Around January 23rd or 24th i was thinking...
'This owie is getting Very Woogily...!!!'
So i went over to The Waikiki Health Clinic
Where they fixed my last
UnDocumented Owie...!!!

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This is kind of an odd location for a Health Clinic
That ostensibly serves the local peons & other chattel...
Because it's only about a block from
The Purportedly Fanciest Beach in The World
Outside of France.

figure 2 : Sign out front
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figure 3 : Reception area
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figure 4 : Generic Waiting Room
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i took these pictures on the 26th
Even though this visit, my first visit for this owie,
Was on the 25th...
( because i forgot to take any pictures
of the waiting room that day...!!! )
( i also forgot to take a picture of Shane Millard PA.C )
[ Physician Assistant - Certified ]

figure 5 : Where the Doctor ( or equvalent ) sits
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figure 6 : Stuff
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i should have looked through all the drawers,
But i'm too shy.

figure 7 : Generic Nurse
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She came in after 'Not a Doctor Millard',
And she was supposed to clean my owie and put a bandage on me,
But she just wiped it off--
( like last time...!!! )
And i think she also game me a shot in the ass...!!!
( i really should have asked ( or remembered )
what they shot me with...!!! ( ? ) )
( they didn't give me a shot in the ass last time...! )
Before this:
When 'Not a Doctor Millard' came in,
He took one look at my owie,
Recoiled in horror, and refused to even get near it...!
i also got a prescription for Climaycin 150mg.
NaDM also said that he wanted me to come back the next day
And when i told them this down at The Reception Counter
They acted as though this was absolutely unheard of...???
And asked me if i wanted to make an appointment...
And i was thinking 'Yes...!'
But they were acting so quirky about it,
That after a considerable amount of lollygagging-- ( ! )
i said i'd changed my mind, and would just 'drop by'...
which is how i think most of their appointments
are done anyways...???

figure 8 : Owie on January the 25th 2006
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It doesn't really so bad here...
does it...???

figure 9 : Still January 25
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i think that all the dead skin on top is keeping you
from seeing all the gore just below it...???

figure 10 : Very Nice Bandaging...!
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figure 11 : The Pills
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i think there was enough,
4 per day, supposedly every 6 hours...???
So that they lasted about a week.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .
figure 12 : Nurse Practitioner Amy
January 26th 2006
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This is Nurse Practitioner Amy...!
She took VERY Good care of me!
She squeezed a lot of the pus out of my owie
And disinfecting it with antiseptic germicide povidone-iodine
And gave me some P-I swabs...
( i was supposed to get some more on my own,
But The Longs Drug Store only had Huge Bottles of it...!!! )
figure 13 : The Second Owie...!
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This owie had been around for a few days,
And wasn't getting any better...
So NP Amy Bandaged it up too...!!!

figure 14 : Owie with Iodine
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i didn't really take very many picture of my owie on the 26th,
But it looked ALOT better after only one day...
NP Amy thought that the shot i got
The day before was The Wonder Cure...???
figure 15 : Second Owie after squeezing...!
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i was hoping that with all The Drugs i was taking that this owie,
Which was just 'starting' would short circuit and
Not 'Cycle Through' the usual bell curve of woogliness...
What that consists of is starting off
As a harmless looking scratch, or puncture,
Then getting progressively worse
Until it looks decidedly life threatening
Then it heals VERY quickly...!
Usually within a week or 10 days...!!!
Ω . 2
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