Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Holocaust Denial

Holocaust Denial

i don’t think of myself as an Anti-Semitic ( per-se ) But i consider the jew's confidence that they’re The Chosen People; And That they are Owed their Own Nation in North Africa ( at The Expense of Those that have lived & Developed that land for several thousands of uninterrupted history ) as ‘suspect’.

One of my most heretical ideas is that The U.S. & Europe are so Hysterically Fanatical about Supporting The Existence of Israel, is that if it should fall to it’s neighbors; All The Jews there would want to re-emigrate back these nations. 
Which is ‘Unthinkable’. We are much more willing to accept droves of The Hoi Polloi from countless other 3rd World Countries, before allowing thousands ( or millions ) of Jews to resettle The Ghettos that have long since been converted to Art House Theatre Districts. 

Some time ago i saw a film : 
Denial / 2016 / The Trial of David Irving vs Penguin Press & Deborah Lipstadt concerning Irving’s general AntiSemitism & Denial of The Holocaust. What i find fascinating about this exposition is how thin The Argument for The Holocaust is. i am very much looking forward to a future day when a Cogitator with complete access to all documents & historical records of The 20th Century is available to answer a series of simple questions pertaining to The Holocaust & will be answered based on Factual, Empirical Information & be analyzed without unnecessary emotional bias. Two points considered in The Film; There has never been a forensic examination of The Alleged Death Camps / & two; Himmler ( ? ) apparently kept a detailed record of all of his phone calls during this period, & of those; There is only one pertaining to The Transportation of Jews to The Concentration Camps & in this one reference; It states specifically; Do Not Liquidate The Jews ( ? ) ! 

So this got me thinking a little bit.

My own understanding of all this is :

It’s very easy for The Jews & Jewish Sympathizers to simply declare that anyone in Denial of The Holocaust is Anti-Semitic & turn back to their evening television programming. But this refuses to address some questions which should be easy to answer; & they are going to exceptional lengths to avoid answering them.

My first ( ? ) thoughts on this own issue is whether The Jews are really gawd’s chosen people. This question; on The Surface, is somewhat ludicrous; As it implies that all of The Non-Jews are Gentiles, Infidels or Goyims. 
The Entire foundation of The Third Reich was to separate Humyn’s into Real People & Subhumyns, which is borrowed verbatim from This Prior Jewish Tradition ( Although nearly all ethic groups ( more tacitly perhaps ) refer to themselves & ‘Real People’ & their ethically separated neighbors as ‘Non-People’ ).
The Idea though that The Jews are gawd’s chosen people is further exasperated by their claim that Israel is their gawd given ‘Chosen-Land’. Of all The Many Independently available choices for A Potential ‘Chosen-Land’; The North African Region must surely come in nearly last, somewhere above Siberia, Antarctica, Bangladesh; Northern Mexico, Texas, Arizona & New Mexico; or The Interior of Australia. Top of The List choices might include; The Pacific Northwest, The Californian Coast, Middling Europe, Most Subtropical Grasslands in Southern Asia or Ireland. 
It might be noted that after Gawd evicted Adam & Eve from The Parkland in Eden; The Surrounding Area was once thought to be a Lush Forested Region, which was then ruthlessly exploited until it was entirely desertified. This same pattern of environmental devastation has been noted in other areas; such as Easter Island & The Forests of The Western United States. Very Rarely is this behaviour recognized & measures taken to reverse it. One would surely presuppose that if you had an ongoing conversational relationship with gawd, s’he/it might have warned you about this ( ? ) 

But lettuce put that aside.

My most ardent ( ? ) observation about The Alleged Holocaust is that; If The 3rd Reich were so intent on Exterminating The Generic Unworthies ( Jews, Gypsies, Retards, et al ) —
Why were there so many of them in The ‘Work Camps’ when The Americans & Russians invaded Germany at War’s End ? 
In places like Yugoslavia, when The Serbs were Attempting to Exterminate The Croats & Muslims, Or In Cambodia, or Rwanda; The Lesser Victims were handily slaughtered while putting up a feeble, but notable resistance. In Germany; The Jews offered no resistance at all; But were acquiescently packed into trains & shipped off to Internment camps; Where; One might expect; If A Full & Complete Genocide had been planned; The 3rd Reich would have made short work of them; But instead, they were all carefully catalogued, Numbered with Permanent Tattoos & provided with atrociously minimal living conditions. What exactly The Intensions of The 3rd Reich was; is certainly unclear; But a well organized eradication of all their Jews was sorely lacking. 

It might be noted here that we’ve all seen The Photos of The Mass Graves, The Piles of Dead Bodies, The Stories of how The Jews & Others were lined & Machine Gunned into roughshod ravines & hastily buried. If anything; All these cases suggest specific instances in which a local officiate took it upon themselves to rid themselves of a confined Bête Noire. 
The Complete lack of any documentation of this Holocaust Overview is Very Curious. Who exactly were The Germans hiding this program from ? Had they fully expected to lose The War from The Beginning & took pains to make sure that no one ever mentioned it to anyone ( ? ) 

Remember that Germany was a tiny country at War with just about everyone else in The World, & was for awhile at least, kicking everyone’s ass. They weren’t going to be providing Geneva Convention; Luxury Hotel accommodations to their Unspeakables. The German Officers & Party Loyalists were first in Line at The Bread Stalls & IceCream Kiosks, with The Unwashed German Proletariate somewhere in The Middle. The Jews & Gypsies were often missing their proper paperwork for school lunches. 
The suffered Horrific Conditions, Disease, Crippling Depression, Poor Hygiene & Endured Single Ply Toilet Paper ( ? ) 
Plus all The Other Atrocities. 
Lots of them Died, probably screaming, hacking up black phlegm or pitifully moaning. ( Whatever ).

But if The German’s really wanted to simply exterminate all of them; The Alleged Gas Chambers would seem like an overindulgent luxury. 

Were many of these casualites disposed on in Ovens, Probably. It would have been The most Sanitary Solution. 
So there are all these ‘Elements’ that fit into The Holocaust Storyline; The Zyklon B Pesticide may have been used to control The Lice & Bedbugs in these Camps. Traces of it are found ( according to The Film _Denial_ ) in many places, ( at The Same Trace Concentrations as were found in The Alleged Gas Chambers ) that fit this scenario. 
The Holocaust proponents though; Find The Idea of The Zyklon B used for Humanitarian purposes deeply laughable ( !!! ) But The German’s may have done is in their own self interests; Not to make The Camps more enjoyable for it’s residents. 

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Another small point; 
Much of The Evidence for this Holocaust is in The Form of The Survivors that were able to tell of their First Person Experiences at these Horrific ‘Work Camps’. 
As mentioned earlier; The Conditions of these Camps was Horrific, so that any verification of this to be fully expected. 
But how exactly were these survivors able to relate First Person Anecdotes of The Gas Chambers themselves. Wouldn’t The Only People that knew of these Areas, be The Direct Victims ( ? ) 
It might be argued that The Living Jews were used to clean out these Chambers after a Group as Murdered; But if this were so; it would certainly be very common knowledge that this fate was in store for them in short order. 
They remained acquiescent to The Pogrom. Even if you allow that they were all brain washed, starved & routinely beaten; This is one of those cases in which The ‘Explanation’ is more unbelievable than The Circumstances that you’re trying to clarify. 
It would seem like a camp of hundreds or thousands of desperate ‘Working Class’¹  prisoners, with no hope of survival, could easily overwhelm a guard population that was a small fraction of their numbers. ( ? ) 
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¹ This is meant to distinguish a population of capable resistance prisoners from a population of elderly, sick & infirm & children; which would have been killed off first, or died of illness or The Brutal Treatment. At some point; The only remaining camp prisoners would be The Strongest ( albeit enfeebled ) Working Captives. 

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