Monday, September 24, 2018

Some Stray Thoughts ...

Some Stray Thoughts on Either A Flat Earth or A ScreenSaver Reality;
Which i consider effectively equivalent !

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The Best Arguments for A Screen Saver Reality
Are things about this reality, that we call; Home
Are Just Impossible.

Galactic Centers

Galactic Centers are observed a large bulges of Stars; But should they be ?
All those star swirling around, faster & faster, in very close proximity to one another, you’d think that they’d be colliding with one another all The Time; As they should be.
& Presumably; They Do.
They Form Black Holes ( if Black Holes even Exist ) & These in Turn, Gobble each other up to make even Bigger, Denser, more Massive Black Holes —
Which one would think; Would cause A Run Away Cascade of Black Hole Devouring; So that when we look up into The Night Sky with Telescopes & Observe these Other Galaxies in The Sky; They should all appear as Donuts with Nothing Visible in their Centers, except for The Single Super Massive Black Hole that all The Other Stars Swirl around at a comparatively safe distance.
But we don’t.
So what is The Explanation ?
a) There’s no such thing as Black Holes.
b) The Black Holes are being created as we’d expect, except that when 2 Black Holes get a little too close to one another, without Colliding, as when they graze across one another; They Tear each other Apart;
Creating A Monstrous Cloud of New Material for New Stars to form, Along with a Huge Burst of Light & All Spectral Radiation. 
Which we don’t see so much of.
Or do we. 
There is something that Astronomers do see; 
& that’s Gamma Ray Bursts.
These are very mysterious because they’ve never been linked to any Physical Star or Galaxy, But they occur in equal proportions all across The Heavens, Ruling out any possibility that they’re occurring locally, within our Milkyway Galaxy.
No. They’re occurring in all The Galaxies, but Very, Very ( by our measurements ) Infrequently. Say; Once every 100 years or 1000 years in The Center of any given Galaxy.
We could look at any given Galaxy waiting & waiting for one of these Black Hole Near Misses, & Never See it.
But they’re regularly occurring. Just too infrequently for our human Astronomers to Make The Association between The Gamma Ray Burst & The Necessary Black Hole Near Misses, which accounts for all The Material that shouldn’t be in The Middle of Every Galaxy. 
( ? ) 

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

A Supplemental Idea to an Old One.

When i was in The Eight Grade; We would do Busy Work in The English Class, in which we’d ‘break down’ sentences into their component parts; 
But with all The Fine Work of Noam Chomski & Others; The Google Translators are Still Awful; Because The Computers don’t ‘Understand’ The Sentences that they’re working with.
i’m Not even suggesting that An AI system ( Cogitator or PreCogitator ) has to understand Language with The Same sort of Fluency & Global Perspective of An Eight Year Old, But it should be able to tease a sentence apart & determine how The Individual Words are working together to create an autonomous  idea ( ? ) 
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i have had this idea for awhile now; 
That The PreCogitators ( precursors of The True AI Cogitators that will be represented when The Singularity Occurs ) create A New Language for themselves. 
This New Language will be ‘Complete’.
By ‘Complete’; i mean that this Language will be able to properly translate any Incomplete Language Sentences into their core Meaningful Utterances. 
Also; By ‘Language’ i am giving this word its broadest possible interpretation. Lego for example; is a Language. So is Water Ballet, or Gopher Barks, or The Messages that Trees Send one another about New Bugs in The Neighborhood. 
Most Languages are Very Incomplete. 
There are many commonly used words in Japanese, German & Arabic that can’t be translated into English. One might suggest that to do so, you’d simple have to extend a word::word translation to a word::paragraph translation, & maybe that would be okay. But i’m suggesting that even with an additional commentary section included; The English Speaker may never really grasp The Subtle Nuances of The Japanese or German word—
 Which then begs The Question of how Japanese or German Children ever learn The Proper Meanings of these Words ? By being fully immersed in Their Culture, i suppose. 
But this is all largely hypothetical. 
What i would really like to present here is A Vague & Spacious Overview of This PreCogitator Language which has one word for every meaning & thing, every idea, concept, mythical musing, place & person, which would include every ( notable ) individual animal. They would all have unique names. This language would carry a heavy burden on The PreCogitators in this manner, but i’m sure that they will do their best. 
And Likewise; With every One Word for everything, Everything is given One Word, This means; No Synonyms, Heteronyms & such ( ? )  ! 
Every Word would have One Antonym. 
There would be One ‘Opposite’ idea for every Word. 
The Idea of ‘Opposites’ is very confusing for me; So this point may require considerably more work. ( !!! ) 
Is is reasonable to suggest that there is An Opposite for Paris, France ? 
The Way that i think about this; is that everything is made up of Attributes, & each Attribute is defined along A Continuum of Values; Say from Zero to One. Then one would apply a Fractional Propositional Logical Formulation to that; & determine The ~Not Spectrum for All The Attributes of Paris, France. ( !!! ) 
0 ~ 1
.2 ~ .8 
.5 ~ .5
It’s entirely expected that there wouldn’t be An Actual Representative for this New Collection of Attributes; But The Definition for This Opposite of Paris, France would be thoroughly defined ! 
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Along with this Complete Language; There would be A Dictionary which would contain A Complete Definition for Every Word. 
This would actually be something like an Encyclopedia, but Not An Ordinary Encyclopedia. This PreCogitator’s Encyclopedia would Contain Everything there is to Know About Each Word & It’s Applications —
And this Encyclopedia would be Thoroughly Structured so that Each Word’s Definition would be Broken down into ‘Attributes’ of Each Word; So that when The PreCogitator wants to know how many legs a Dog ( usually ) has; It would simply look under ‘The Number of Legs’ in The Dog Definition. 
Of course; A lot of Words wouldn’t have an Entry for ‘The Number of Legs’, But The Category would still be Existent for Each Word. 
Words that Specify something like a City or Country or Any Living Organism, would be Horrifically Recursive ! 
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Now for The Big Idea. 
All of that was just a precursor to this One Big Idea.
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For The PreCogitator to ‘Understand’ The World & Human Languages, along with The Languages of Ants & Bees; 
It will have to be Extremely Inclusive as to What A Meaningful Sentence Consists of. ( ! ) 
There is ONLY One kind of Meaningful Sentence.
( ? ) 
That which Contributes to A Definition within The Dictionary.
A Question about anything is simply An Algebraic Expression which contains an Unknown or Unspecified Variable within The Sentence which Is A Meaningful Sentence. 
Such as; How many legs does a dog have?
Is Algebraically Equivalent to; A Dog has (x Legs. 
The PreCogitator would figure this out.
The PreCogitator has to Translate any Sentence from it’s Incomplete form to The Complete PreCogitator’s Language. This will require a deeper ‘Analysis’ of The Source Material. It has long been understood that you can’t simply translate any sentence in a foreign language, word for word, into another language; But beyond this; The PreCogitator has to read The Entire Source Material to glean what The Theme is; & apply a sieve to translating ambiguous words. 
A Joke or Poem may intensionally use Ambiguity to imply an Double Entendre or illicit A Romantic Ambivalence; The PreCogitator would have to find all relevant possible meanings & discern which are most applicable. There may be many occasions when The PreCogitator will create two or more Possible Interpretations to a Sentence, Question or Declaration & create appropriate responses for each ( !!! ) 
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But let us return to The Core; Big Idea.
What this approach is saying; 
Is that; When The PreCogitator is making an analysis of most any book, speech or question presented to it by humans or whatever; 
It will discard most everything as Meaningless Gibberish ! 
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Just about everything that People say; 
Is Meaningless Gibberish. 
The PreCogitators are going to have to wade through that. 
