- - - - - - - - -
Although i intended for this to be a first rate job at documenting this owie,
especially after i said--
...essentially; "Promised"
--to fully document my 'next' owie...

- - - - - - - - -
i set the camera's distance to auto-focus incorrectly here...
It may be that i was holding the camera
even closer than is allowed for it's 'Close-Up' capability...!
This was taken around January 14th to the 17th; 2006...
When i first mentioned in my journal that this owie is getting woogily!

figure b : January 16th(?) 2006 without Yellow Cover...?
- - - - - - - - -
This is the same day, without the weird yellow cover
That was probably dead skin...???

figure c : Mysterious Yellow Cover
- - - - - - - - -
The Mysterious Yellow Cover

figure d : January 20th(?) Sever Woogiliness.
- - - - - - - - -
It is getting worse, but perhaps amazingly...???
It Doesn't hurt AT ALL...!!!
--So i'm still not panicky.

figure e : Same as d; Dug out a little
- - - - - - - - -
i can't resist digging these things out...!!!
i definitely have a masochistic streak
and love to claw at my own flesh...!!!
This owie didn't really present itself with
An opportunity for any really enthusiastic gouging...
i had one on my Right Knee a few months ago
That i decided to take care of all on my own,
And during the 'Cleaning' phase,
i used Q-Tips to poke into the owie
And discovered that it went down quite a ways...!!!
So i kept at it for awhile,
And the yellow pus & blood finally started to clear,
And i discovered a new region of White Pus...
That was considerably thicker than the Yellow Pus...!!!
So i dabbed that up as i continued to probe deeper and deeper...
( it continued to sink down for about a half an inch...!!! )
Then i found a larger 'Blob' that had a pudding like texture to it,
So i thought i might remove this with tweezers,
But it was just half way between a blob and pudding...
i decided to call it a Bolus,
Which seemed to be an entirely appropriate name for it...
Later; when i was telling this account to Nurse Practitioner Amy...
i'd forgotten that i called it a Bolus;
So the story seemed to lack the impact that it should have...!!!
So i struggled and dug, and probed and squeezed
And tried again & again to pull The Bolus out,
And FINALLY i was able to get a grip on it,
And yank it free...!!!
Then i cleaned it up some more,
Filled the cavity with 3 in 1 Antiseptic Salve
And with The Bolus gone,
i knew it would heal pretty quickly...
Which it Did...!!!
So these last two Owies,
Where they DIDN'T dig out The Bolus...
i felt cheated...!!!
And believed that they would Not heal as Quickly...???
But they both did pretty well...
i guess...???

figure f : Same as d & e; Bandaged up
- - - - - - - - -
i probably put on some 3 in 1 antibiotic salve
But i don't think that i particularly did anything to clean it...???

figure g : Probably a few days after d,e & f; Hamburger Phase...!
- - - - - - - - -
January 23rd...???
It looks like it's entering it's Hamburger Phase...

figure h : Another view of g
- - - - - - - - -
i was probably trying to get a good angle...???
It's really hard to see my view finder picture in bright sunlight...!!!
So would point with my left hand to the owie,
Wagging my index finger back & forth,
So i could see it in the camera's LCD...
And try to get the camera in position;
Then remove my left hand, and snap the picture...!!!

figure i : Another view of g & h
- - - - - - - - -

figure j : From the g, h & i Sequence...???
- - - - - - - - -
These pictures were loaded by their sequencial positions in the camera...
But this certainly looks like it was taken before g,
Before i had a chance to scrape off some of the dead surface skin...???

figure k : g, h, i & j Sequence; Antibiotic Salve
- - - - - - - - -
i don't like to skimp on the 3 in 1 antibiotic salve...!
i've had some remarkable cures by using it... ( sometimes )
Another miracle drug i've discovered is a generic version
of Waldomart's Acne Creme,
Which i think has antibiotic action built into it,
And also dries out the owie...
Which is usually Very Good...!!!

figure l : g, h, i, j & k; All Bandaged Up...!!!
- - - - - - - - -
All Bandaged Up...!
i like to use the athletic stretch wraps
because my skin will just fall apart
if i put to much tape on it...!!!
Ω . 1
1 comment:
تعتبر المضخة مهمة أيضًا لأنها تحافظ على دوران الماء لتقليل نمو الطحالب. من المغري تأجيل صيانة المسبح فوق سطح الأرض ، لكنك ستدفع مقابل ذلك لاحقًا من خلال مشاكل المياه أو مشاكل بطانات المسبح ، والتي تكون باهظة الثمن لإصلاحها. ل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض لتأكد من أنك تعتني بالمسبح بشكل مناسب ، اتبع قائمة فحص صيانة المسبح اليومية والأسبوعية. اكتشف المشكلات التي لن يلاحظها غير المتخصصين بسهولة بدون معدات تنظيف حمامات السباحة الصحيحة وصححها. لذلك ، يمكنك الاستمتاع بحمام السباحة الخاص بك دون الحاجة إلى القلق بشأن إبقائه نظيفًا ونظيفًا ويعمل بشكل صحيح. إذا تم اختراق مرشح حمام السباحة الخاص بك بأي شكل من الأشكال ، فستريد أن تعرف أنك مالك حمام السباحة.
يتم توصيل منظفات الضغط الجانبية بالنافثة العائدة لمرشح حمام السباحة الخاص بك وإزالة الحطام من المياه المفلترة عن طريق وضع المواد الصلبة في كيس قابل للفصل. لكن النوع الأكثر فاعلية هو منظف المسبح الآلي ، لأنه وحدة قائمة بذاتها تقوم بكل العمل نيابة عنك. باستخدام الكلور في ح شركة تنظيف مسابح بجازان مام السباحة الخاص بك ، سوف تقلل إلى حد كبير الحمل الذي تضعه المادة العضوية على المرشح.
لن يزيل الفلتر كل الأوساخ والحطام من المياه ، خاصة الجزيئات التي تتساقط في قاع حمام السباحة وتبقى هناك بعناد. يمكن أن يكون تنظيف حوض السباحة فوق سطح الأرض يدويًا تحديًا ، لذا اختر منظفًا آليًا خالٍ من الإجهاد ينجز المهمة. اتبع تقنياتي مثل التنظيف بالفرشاة بزاوية وتشغيل الكاشطة من المنتصف إلى حافة البركة ، وستجعل مهمتك أسهل.
عادةً ما يتم الحفاظ على جودة مياه حمامات السباحة عن طريق استخدام الكلور لقتل أي أضرار بيولوجية في مياه البركة. لسوء الحظ ، يمكن أن يسبب الكلور جميع أنواع ا شركة تنظيف مسابح بجدة لمشاكل الأخرى لمستخدمي حمامات السباحة والبيئة. يعد الحد من استخدام الكلور والتخلص منه هو مفتاح التنظيف الصديق للبيئة لحمام السباحة. سيتناول الكود جميع جوانب تصميم حمامات السباحة وبنائها وتشغيلها وصيانتها التي يمكن أن تؤثر على السلامة والصحة العامة.
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