Thursday, November 03, 2005


  1. Cover: Repaired Twice, Pictures under that.
  2. Inside Cover: Pictures under repairs.
  3. Flap Pocket: Old Airline ticket used as a straight edge.
  4. Cabbage Codes Directory; Program listings and function reminders. 4 pages.
  5. Dots program listing.
  6. more dots.
  7. Spiral 4 programs.
  8. Spiral 4 update.
  9. Spiral 5.
  10. Radii program, doodle of dots progression.
  11. Pxq ( new version )
  12. Note at bottom: this is making me crazy.
  13. i had alot of trouble getting 'Dots' to work, and even now, more than 2 years or more, substantially more...! i've only gotten the first spiral 'Starter' program done, and that was a titty twister to get done... it's such a simple idea, and yet... i just can't seem to make any progress on it...!!! The idea was to write a program that would draw a series of dots, that vary in size, in a spiral pattern, out from the center. The trouble was the Varying Sizes... so that the radius of the new dots wouldn't be 'fixed' accourding to any reasonable spiral formula... i would have to keep recalculating it... based on... what...??? i have to keep track of all the old dots, or where they left off... or... ugh.
  14. more dot doodles...
  15. 180 degree painting
  16. David Coltman Tests Hair for Bigfoot. ( July 28 '05 ) [ turned out to be Bison Hair! ] more dot notes
  17. more dot notes / programming.
  18. Seiko Dictionaries 130,000 words Franklin SCD-1870 $119.95 200,000 words. Royal AHD130 ( i've been looking for a really good electronic dictionary and it annoys me about as much as a 2 legged catfish that while MP3 players are being stuffed with Gigabytes of memory, there hasn't been an update of Electronic Dictionaries in more than 20 years...!!! ) Profit 1996 ( Best TV show EVER...!!! ) Adrian Pasdar, on DVD. Sue Procko / Theresa Black 323 / 653-5153 Anchor Bay Entertainment
  19. drawing / more dots
  20. dots
  21. You would have to know what the 3 sizes ( radii ) are before you start! Circles & Triangles...???
  22. Hanging Chair Murder Painting
  23. Ring of Dots ( eventually completed...!!! ) Take a collection of Dots of different sizes, all known, and make a ring of them... what is the radius of this ring? ( Solved! )
  24. Ring of dots doodle.
  25. Ring Dot program and rough flow chart.
  26. drawing / 1st.o program
  27. 1st.0 another version
  28. flying saucer doodles
  29. New Flow Chart 'i can't believe this is giving me so much trouble...!!!'
  30. Compute next angle... / St. Brandon's Irish Creme $5 on plane to ???
  31. Drawing.
  32. Drawing.
  33. Greyhound 800-231-2222
  34. Drawing.
  35. Painting.
  36. Trees program ( didn't work out ) when i was riding around on the buses in Washington, i became interested in the optical effect of watching the layers ( or planes ) of trees passing by... / Housemate 'Kevin' 509-389-3165 $165 + Utilities Gruffy sounding guy answered - leave message. / note: paintings not in chronological order
  37. open minded. 405-9194 ( Boise Idaho ) $250 / $200 // One or 2 room mates #225 + 1/2 elec. 345-9698 // banking notes
  38. Seiko Dictionary $40 ( this is like the one i THREW AWAY in California... The Good One...!!! AND--- i can't find another one like it...!!! ) // 666 The Beast
  39. 180 Degree painting
  40. bird and pie.
  41. Inventions: Phase Array Camera / Internal Inertia Generator / IQ 100 Town / Programmable OS / Universal Heiroglyphic Language / Robots / Clones / DVD Court Recordings / Maturity Index / Minority Psuedo Democracy / Fractional Reality Representations / Micronations / Taxivators / Alternative Transportation Pathways / Freedom of Fashion / Digital Companions / Tricorder / Product - Services Access / Perpetual Motion Machine / What We Really Know - Book / Gazelle Legs /
  42. Exploit Crazy People / Bug Hat / Construction Extruders / Lie-Truth Detector / Implanted Cell-Phone - Borg Community // Inventions of Hope
  43. New Characters Directory of programs and functional reminders / 2 pages.
  44. 4 circles / doodles
  45. Drawing Colored
  46. New Inlist 2 pages
  47. Primes
  48. Painting
  49. Primes / doodle of church across from the main library
  50. Revized jury of the damned
  51. Drawing
  52. Prime with Bases
  53. Prime stuff
  54. Prime stuff... i was trying to find a new way to check for primeness by translating a given number into a number of a different base, then simply looking at the right most digit...!
  55. Prime stuff and soccor ball.
  56. Soccor ball
  57. Soccor ball
  58. The Translucent Amoebae Conjecture : No prime number, as defined by any base can end with a zero. / The Translucent Amoebae's Second Conjecture : Any number must be checked against all bases that are <= the #'s Squareroot. // If so; Screening is 100% effective...!
  59. Limit of Search
  60. Hanging Chair Murder
  61. Prime stuff
  62. Human Services Dept. 808-643-1643 / Wainae Unit
  63. Painting
  64. Prime stuff
  65. Best Fit
  66. Painting.
  67. Soccor ball factiods
  68. Prime stuff
  69. If the last digit were smaller than the smallest of the Primes, then, it wouldn't even need to check for factors. ( written in the dark )
  70. Full test c or p / voided
  71. programming something
  72. Prime stuff
  73. Doodle.
  74. Drawing with Doodle over it.
  75. 25 examination
  76. Crude Drawing.
  77. Dots doodle
  78. 2c.p Composite or Prime
  79. 180 degree Painting
  80. more agonizing over Dots
  81. programming
  82. Aug 32 2005 Sprial 7
  83. Sprial 7b
  84. programming / drawing
  85. Spiral 7 / stacking dodecahedrons ( mislabeled pentagons )
  86. Drawing
  87. Working Version of 1st
  88. tables of numbers
  89. Silly Drawing
  90. Now is the time / find of the world / North /
  91. Perfect Pyramid 2 pages
  92. The price of greatness ( dull book )
  93. Dodecahedron doodles... 2 pages
  94. 180 degree painting
  95. Snohomish / Joseph Gallardo / Seattle 1993 July
  96. Wailea
  97. voided page
  98. 270 degree painting ( optical illusion attempt... )
  99. Precogitator / 666 ...
  100. End of World Cabbage Codes
  101. Idea to fill consecutive areas of a random line drawing...
  102. Rowing Wheel Chair doodle.
  103. Cabbage Codes list
  104. Silly Drawing
  105. Characters doodle...???
  106. Cabbage Codes list
  107. Fab-> / programming
  108. Full Fix analysis...???
  109. drawing of ant
  110. Create a program to remove 's's and the[n] reinstall them & other pre-affixes when desirerable.
  111. optical illusion attempt.
  112. Cabbage Codes Antichrist
  113. doodle.
  114. A2 program
  115. Cabbage Codes lists
  116. more lists
  117. The New Sentence Generator
  118. Painting.
  119. Cabbage Codes List
  120. more lists
  121. voided Rotational characters program for new tiles version.
  122. more of that.
  123. Sun / National Examiner / Globe / Weekly World News // Glen Baxter / Lynda Barry / John Mack / David Jacobs / Flying Saucers through Time [ Visitors from Time ] Creationist Book / Raw Magazine / Fantagraphics / Blah / Archie McPhee / Secret Life / Cruddy
  124. Hair Dye Idea
  125. 2 Get
  126. The Smart Person is really...
  127. Sentences
  128. Ubik...
  129. Bill Beaty
  130. Colored Doodle
  131. Spider Bicycle / The Lichen Corpse / flow chart
  132. Doodle.
  133. Computer Stuff
  134. Planets past Pluto / Quaoar / Sedna / Xena // Jury of the Danged
  135. Omega 3
  136. Painting
  137. I.D.
  138. more I.D.
  139. more I.D. / drawing
  140. Hanging Chair Murder ( my favorite! )
  141. Justice of Evil / Judgement of Doom...
  142. Hanging Chair Murder 2 pages
  143. Jury of the danged / doodle
  144. drawing of a tree
  145. jury of the danged
  146. more of that
  147. Gulag / a + p * x + q * m = 666 / b + q * y + p * n = 666 / a = name value / b = name value / p = 1st character / q = 2nd character / x m y n = occurances
  148. jury of the danged
  149. drawing
  150. jurg of the danged
  151. more
  152. What should a Good Theory do? / list of topics
  153. more topics
  154. drawing with dodecahedron
  155. painting 2 pages
  156. Fractional Reality / Definitions / Introduction / Preface / Axiom / Theorem / Premise / Postulate / Supposition / Posit / Corollary / Proof
  157. Outline of I.Der argument
  158. Hanging Chair Murder 2 pages
  159. Anagrams for Jury of the danged
  160. jury of the danged bits
  161. voided page of jury of the danged bad lists ( Stephen spelled with an 'a'! )
  162. drawings of chairs 3 pages
  163. Hallucinagentia
  164. Given that: 3 pages
  165. Blasphenomeous Model
  166. more of that
  167. Hanging Chair Muder ( second favorite )
  168. The New Cabbage Code Approach ( abandoned! )
  169. More new approach
  170. Internet things to do...
  171. Hanging Stool Murder
  172. Doodle voiding bad Cabbage Code Lists
  173. painting
  174. jury of the danged
  175. more
  176. Where is Everybody Revised List
  177. Where is Everybody : Books List 3 pages
  178. programming stuff / cabbage codes list
  179. The Troll Queen / Mirrors list for the Cabbage Codes
  180. Cabbage Codes
  181. more
  182. Do Physicists Ask these Questions?
  183. 100 very short hp48 programs
  184. Justice = 183 / The Supreme Court = 328
  185. Truth = 86 / The American Way = 812
  186. The Damp Masses = 829
  187. Calibrated Gematria
  188. doodles / Recent events
  189. What Goes on in a picture?
  190. Get2
  191. 180 degree painting
  192. I.D. points for ID argument 3 pages
  193. More Internet Lookups
  194. Graphical Doodle
  195. HTML & XML 2 pages
  196. string doodles
  197. What is the word...
  198. The ScreenSaver Universe Short Argument
  199. Mentrual Painting
  200. New Cabbage Code Attack ( abandoned )
  201. Newer CC Attack
  202. Ideas for Riders Intro... 2 pages
  203. Painting
  204. New Cabbage Code Attack
  205. Characters Directory and functionality reminders 3 pages
  206. More Screen Saver ideas
  207. Jury of the diggity danged
  208. more
  209. more
  210. blank
  211. blank
  212. poem
  213. blank
  214. Mysteries
  215. 12 things about christianity that are exactly wrong!
  216. Hanging Chair Murder painting ( third favorite )
  217. blank
  218. Saber Toothed Tiger / Fanged Barking Deer
  219. 180 degree painting
  220. 180 degree drawing
  221. blacked out
  222. blacked out with geometrical doodle
  223. blank
  224. blank
  225. 7 pointed star idea ( didn't work out )
  226. Creative Formulaes ( 3 pages )
  227. 7 pointed star calculations
  228. 7 pointed star idea ( wrong again! )
  229. blank
  230. Dots Directory and Functionality reminders 3 pages
  231. Community Mental Health Centers
  232. Things to do!
  233. Cabbage Codes Slow Fill
  234. notes...?
  235. jury of the diggity danged
  236. Drawing
  237. Cabbage Code theory...
  238. Pull up all #'s...
  239. more...???
  240. painting
  241. What is the Functionality of Adopting this Model...?
  242. Intelligent Design 3 pages
  243. Things to do in Hawaii
  244. Joanie site
  245. Obvious Untruths / Suspicious Things
  246. Portable DVD Player / Axion 4.2 AXN^)$@
  247. Debris ( i can never remember how to spell that...!!! ) / other reminders
  248. inside back cover
  249. back cover / Cambridge 140 sheets 7 x 5_in. / Stiff back, smooth paper for easier writing / Wirebound Notebook.

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