Tuesday, April 06, 2021

I may already be dead ?

i've been feeling rather unwell lately; & i suspect that may be close to death ( !!! )

Jim Anderson's sudden Death last August has seriously shaken me, 
& anyone's time may come at any moment ( !!! )

Although — i have been closer to death on several previous occasions; 
so maybe i'm overreacting ( ? ) 

If you are reading this Document; You would have to have known The Outside ( Little Becky ( MacAir ) ) Password, which is “bughead”.
There’s Not much on my Tablets; 
But their Numerical Code is ZTTE. 

If this Document is posted to The Internet; i would allow that The Venn Diagram of People that have access to My MacAir & Read this Blog; are about Zero. 

While great wealth ( ? ) is promised to anyone that can examine it’s contents, & decrypt them with that purpose in mind, This is again; close to Zero. 
This Great Wealth refers to The Monetization of The Ideas held within it — Most of which are already available to anyone with access to My Blog or Flickr. Many of them are also available to anyone that can use a Google Search Engine to find The Contents of my Google Drive, which contains pretty much everything. ( & i’m pretty sure is available to anyone that can find them ( ? ) ) 

Troublesome Rants : http://transamoebae.blogspot.com
Pictoglyphs : https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre 
Flickr Favorites : http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrstphre/favorites/
SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/chrstphre-campbell
Scratch Programs : http://scratch.mit.edu/users/tinywanda
SketchUp 3D Warehouse : Chrstphre-Campbell
Issue.com : ChrstphreCampbell
To Access my Google Drive Account Homepage; i think you’d have to log into it through my Account Proper ( ? ) i think ( ? ) just about all of The Links are on my Blog though ( ? ) 
These things have been severely neglected for some time, & i’m only using 17_Gb of The 100_Gb available to me; & now ( !!! ) i don’t have ready access to The Internet ( !!! ) ( ? ) 

The only reason that this device has a password on it, it because of The Stupid ‘KeyChain’ which has all of my Passwords on it, making it very easy for me to access my banking ( Chase ) Accounts & Amazon; but if i ever lost or misplaced this device, it would allow anyone to buy things & empty my meager Savings Account, which would be bad. 
Once inside; The Additional Passwords for everything is in The Principle Internet Folder & more concisely; The Passwords pdf, which is also password protected; 
The Password for it is “bughead” ( !!! ) 
Most of my other PassWords are a little more Secure. 
: ∗ ∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘ ∗ )  𓃲 
If i sensed my death was eminent; i would have unlocked this Device, & getting past that first tier would be effortless. 
: ∗ ∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘ ∗ )  𓃲
i believe that there is an enormous resource of ideas on this device, & if properly utilized; could bring its holder tremendous wealth ( !!! ) 
Why haven’t i used it to this end ( ? )
Because for me; once an idea is formulated, that’s enough. 
( !!! ) 
: ∗ ∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘ ∗ )  𓃲
Things that i honestly believe i have ( originally ) created :

The Cabbage Codes Method & Treatment of The Gematria

5, 7, 9, 11 & 12 Tendrilled Paper Snowflake Instructions
	Although i have since found ‘other’ instructions for 5 & 7 Tendrilled Paper Snowflake Instructions; at The Time that i was interested in this; Around 2010 or so ( ? ) i could barely find any instructions for even a 6 Tendrilled Paper Snowflake. 

My Extensive work with QuaziTiling

Various Treatments of The Cube as The Base of all Polyhedra & Instructions on how to create Prisms to convert a cube into any of them through addition — Such that Toy Blocks made of Wood & held together with Magnets would be a commercial option.

Various Other Examinations in Flickr Arithmancy

My Work with Fractional Propositional Logic, which i did Not invent; ( but found in a very old issue of Scientific American ( i think — i have Not been able to re-find it ( !!! ) ) ) 
	But i did fix their ( The Original Author’s ) Mistake with The Formulation of IfThen ! 
	i find it absolutely incredible that this has been so neglected ( !!! ) 

All of my Doodles ( i don’t really consider any of them actual drawings or paintings ( anymore ) ) & Collages.

All of My MailArt.
Specifically The Spiral ( Mandala Based ) RubberStamp Envelopes.

My Exploration of The StapleBook; of which i have created several dozens of templates for converting a single sheet of paper into  a booklet with anywhere from 4 ( Folded Over ) to a very tiny ( Not Stapleable ! ) 128 Pages ( !!! ) 

All of Work with The Family Genealogical Pictures. 
i have Labeled many of them; Allowing Future Robots to superficially know who these people were ! 

Sadly; about 90% or more, of my Artwork & other scraps of whatever have been thrown away, either by me, or my relatives.

i’m reasonably sure that whoever cleans out my room will throw everything away.

: ∗ ∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘·.·∘ ∗ )  𓃲 
What i found completely astounding when i helped Jim Anderson’s brothers clean out his room, after he died ( very unexpectedly ) was that no one ( except me ) was interested in even turning his computer on ( !!! ) 
When we first entered his room, i didn’t know how to turn on his ( apparently ) home-made computer¹  & Amelia was oddly ‘distracted’ ( Not so very unusual actually ) & wouldn’t help at all. & when his brothers came over The next day; they showed no interest whatsoever in turning it on or taking it with them ( !!! ) 
It was just left out of The Lawn for anyone to collect; & then later ( was i suffering from some kind of Oz Effect which caused my delay ( ? ) ) that night; i was thinking that i should go down & collect The Hard Drive & find someone to ‘Open’ it for me. 
But when i went down to The Front Lawn, it was gone. 

Oh well; Maybe someone is examining it. 

- - -
¹ It was an Open Case of Metal Braces, with his own Circuit Boards arranged on various levels ( Absolutely nothing Commercial here ! ), which were attached to a huge ( 7 foot long ) Curved Display Screen & Standard Keyboard ( !!! ) ( with Cables covering The Floor ) ( !!! ) 

☷ ∙⊙∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ∙⊙ ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ ⊙∙⊙∙⦿  ☰ 

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