Tuesday, May 30, 2000
Sunday, May 14, 2000
Owie Series: Broken Hip

The Kookiest Element about 'My Broken Hip' is that i don't know exactly when i broke it...!!!
i first noticed that my Right Leg was feeling poorly around April 20th, 2006 --
But my first Journal Entry concerning it isn't until April 26, where i discribe the pain as eminating from my Right Groin Area, and Down the Front of that Leg.
Even though this entry mentions that it is 'KILLING ME' and that i can Barely Walk on it...
i was still getting around fairly well until May 4th.
May 2nd mentions that i'm not sleeping well because of that Leg...!
On May 4th, i went over to The Waikiki Health Clinic as a Walk-In and it was very busy that day, All the patients that had appointments actually showed up...!!!
So i waited from about 9am, through lunch, and finally around 5pm i was able to see Not a Doctor Shane Mallard. But even before he came in, i was worked over by a Resident in Training, Nurse Practitioner.
Not a Doctor Shane was agreeably baffled by my symptoms, because he kept saying that there was nothing in the area of my Groin that could be causing all the pain was i experiencing...!!!
At that time, and after having SAT ALL DAY in the Waiting Room, ( In a VERY Comfortable Chair ) -
i couldn't walk at ALL...!!!
They let me use a cane that another patient had left behind when he went 'upstairs', and although i was allowed to use the 'Chair Elevator' i had GREAT DIFFICULTY even walking to the Examine Room...!!!
So NAD Shane finally decided that i had an Inflamed Tendon, and Prescribed a large bottle of 800 _mg Ibuprofen.
Again, leaving, i had GREAT DIFFICULTY getting out of there, but as was typical at that time, i had my most difficutly getting started, and then, there after, i could walk pretty well, so long as i didn't stop for anything...
That was Wednesday.
Thursday i filled the prescription for the Ibuprofen at The Longs Drug Store in Wahiawa.
i took my last Codine Tablet while i was waiting, so that i could get out of the store...!
On my way out, i got some Mango Chucks which were the most awful things i've ever tasted... they must have sprinkled them with Taco Powder or some such... This is the sort of thing that Filipinos enjoy, and that Only They could invent.
i also tried to get $20 'Cash Back', and keyed in 20 when the machine prompted me for an amount.
What i got back was .20 Cents...!!!
Did you know that you could key in ANY AMOUNT...???!!!
So then when i went over to The Goodwill Store to get some Replacement Shorts for the ones that i'd Crapped in, i discovered that their Debit Card Reader wasn't working, so i had to limp over to The Food Mart where they had a Cash Machine.
Nothing by BAD Omens...!!!
$12 for two shorts... i can remember when you could get 2 shorts in Hawai'i for less then a Dollar...!!!
Now-a-Days; These Thrift Stores are no cheaper than Waldomart...!!!
Plus: Both pairs were too small for me... But i kept them both anyways, because i was thinking that i would loose some weight soon...???
Thursday i limped around, Friday i limped around, Moving from my sleeping place in Wahiawa, to a nice little beach, just past The North Shore area, called Hau'ula Beach. Mostly i just tried to get some sleep...
But i noticed that instead of the pain getting better it was getting worse.
During this time, i wasn't eating Anything...!!!
This was due to Two Factors:
One was that i had been experiencing EXPLOSIVE FARTS that ruined one of my shorts and nearly ruined another...! The Second was that It was just too much trouble, and painful to find a 7-11 to dose myself with Fancy Coffee & Donuts...!!!...Which i'd pretty decided by then, ( Much too Late...!!! ) that i should be switching to something more nutritious like Tomato Juice & Fresh Fruit...!!!
On my way back to Wahiawa, i had several episodes of Pain Spasms...!!!
These would consist of Not Only Excruciating Pain Snapping through my leg in a Lightning like manner, but it would be accompanied by a Sudden, Unexpected, UnControlled Seizure of the leg, Contracting Upwards...!!!
It was a SHEAR MIRACLE that i didn't fall during any of these, which were occurring every 8th step or so...!!!
Instead, i would just FREEZE, and wait a few moments, attempting to overcome my fear to take another step...!!!
i had also tried to develop various 'Techniques' during those last few days to get my foot 'Started' so that i could move on... These consisted simply of rocking back and forth, trying to fool my legs into thinking that i had been walking, and that the next step was just another in a series that we'd been participating in...
On Saturday;
i got up, put my sleeping bag away, and tried to stand.
i could stand, but any tiny movement of my leg caused Excruciating Pain.
i sat down.
i thought about this for awhile, and decided that i was massively boned.
i called 911 with my cell phone and there was some difficulty with them coming to pick me up, because i couldn't provide them with an Actual Address...!!!
So i tried describing in sufficient detail where i was in relationship to The Park, The Ravine, The Large Apartment Building across the Street, and that i was behind The School Administration Building.
At some point the nice lady that i was talking to thought that she had enough information to send an ambulance, and i waited for about 10 minutes for one to arrive. i shined my flashlight against the bushes in the direction of the nearest access path, and shouted when they arrived.
The next problem was that the path leading to the porch where i was sitting, was too rough to bring the stretcher to me, and i could NOT MOVE...!!! So they bought this Canvas Sling Chair around, which i sat in, and they carried me around the corner to where the wheeled stretcher cart was.
i was seen by Dr. George Richard Bruno; who decided after i described all the crazy symptoms that i had-- Specifically the Overwhelming Pain expanding outward from my groinish zone...and so on...That is was a Muscle Contusion...! And went on to find me a pair of Crutches and wrote out a prescription for Vicodin [ 5-500 mg 15 Tablets ]
This was the second time that the solution was 'Get Lost!' - 'Here are some fun drugs'...!!!
i made it across their parking lot, then across the street and onto another parking lot where i slipped on some wet leaves. That is; The Left Crutch slipped out from under me, and i went down, hard.
But curiously; Not on my 'Bad' hip. i landed on my backpack and left hip.
Nevertheless... it did something to the right hip that wasn't quite that bad before,
because-- before; It only hurt when i was moving it, or putting pressure on it.
Now-- It HURT all the time.
i couldn't even move. Just trying to sit up was Excruciatingly Painful.
So i dug out my cell phone and called 911 again. Fortunately for me, it was right on top, next to where the zipper opened, so i didn't have to pull out a bunch of crap to get to it...!!!
i am absolutely terrible at reconstructing converstations...
But suffice to say, i explained that i was in the parking lot right across from the hospital that just turned me away, and that 'Yes, i would still be here when the ambulance arrived... No, i wasn't going to get up and wander off, i am laying on my back, and i can't move.'
And so on...
Additionally; Several people walked nearly over me, and neglected to ask if i was 'Alright?'.
One guy was sitting at the bus stop, directly across the street and was watching the whole thing.
i suspect that a lot of this: 'NonParticipationary Attitude' stems from a person's 'UnPreparedness'...???
That is; 'What should i do--?' and of course: 'Will 'It' turn on me, and be ALOT of Trouble... Perhaps someone will even sue me for trying to Help...!!!' This sort of thinking, i think, is nearly ubiquitous these days, and doesn't, Necessarily mean that people are Heartless, Merely Psychopathically Timid.
After i got in, The Morning Shift had changed, so i didn't have to go over all this with Dr. Bruno again...
Instead; i now had a Dr. Whiteside, that ordered up a CAT Scan and then we had to wait for a CAT Scan Interpreter to take a look at it... So i waited in a curtained cubicle for awhile and they gave me some Morphine, But it must not have been much, because it wasn't even scratching the pain.
Plus: The head nurse [ Whose name i was never able to discover, despite repeatedly asking around about it... ] was fanatically AntiStreet people and she was making it Crystal Clear to everyone within earshot that The Emergency Room was intended for Real People with Real Emergencies, and that i wasn't one of these...
After a little while, she decided that they needed my cubicle for real people and rolled me out into the hall way.
Where i waited for about 2 hours and then Dr. Whiteside came by and told me that my Hip was Fractured and that i would need surgery to repair it...
This was all very Traumatic for me and i was crying like a baby, and i asked Dr. Whiteside to be sure and tell the nurse that i wasn't faking.
After that-- Everyone was VERY NICE to me.
Except that i still had to wait another 6 hours for a room to become available in Orthopedics.
( To jump ahead a little bit, After surgery, i was supposed to have transferred to 'Long Term Care' where i would have had to share a room with between 1 and 3 other patients... But because of this and that, possibly some possibility of malpractice...???...i got to stay in my Private Room the whole time i was there, which was 10 days. )
Also: to mention another thing, slightly out of sequence, was that when i asked my surgeon [ Dr. Salvador B. Cecilio ] if the X-Ray that Dr. Bruno had ordered showed the Fracture that was apparent on The CAT Scan... He said, "No-- It wasn't there."
But then later, Dr. Mitchell, who was my 'Primary Care Physician' said that It Was There...!!!
The X-Ray DID show the Fracture...!!!
Also somewhat curiously; Another Dr. and Dr. Mitchell said that they were having 'A little Trouble' finding those Original X-Rays...!!! But Dr. Cecilio seemed to have them right with all the other documents pertaining to my case... But-- ??? --when i asked about this; he dug out the/an X-Ray and held it up for the briefest moment and declared that the Fracture wasn't visible...???
So what are we to make of this...???
So then when i did get up to my Room, i still had to wait until the next morning before Dr. Cecilio would put a Pin into The Hip Socket.
The Chart described various kinds of Pain; Dull, Sharp, Throbbing, Electrical, Prickling, Waves of Pain, Excruciating, Burning, Shooting, Pressure, Constant, Intermediate, Crawling under your skin...???-- Was it In the Bones, Muscles, Nerves, On the skin...???
i thought this was useless...!!!
Watched a lame Magic Show on TV.
The two plane fare together from Hawai'i to Spokane came to around $600,
And what i thought was Amazing; was how Abnormal most of them looked...!!!
During this time Dr. Mitchell and Lana and Dr. Lee were treating my Ingrown toenail on my Left Foot, Big Toe.
If there were problems related to this, they are not mentioned later...
He is living on Taiwan. ( See: The Litchen Corpse )

figure xxx: TV & Clock
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Darlene)NA
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: Leg Exercises
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: Dr. Mitchell
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Chris)PT
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: OutSide My Window
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: UnKnownNA
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Ivan)OT
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: CupCakes
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Daniel)PT
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: My Room
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Rubber Stretcher)OT
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Shy Wade)PT
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Lana)LPN-2
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: My Room) 1
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Jean ( From Jean & Carolyn : Social Services )
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
figure xxx: Lana)LPN
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

figure xxx: Hang Nail: LeftBigToe
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
: - - - - - - - - - - - - :

: - - - - - - - - - - - - :
Friday, May 12, 2000
Owie Documentation : One
- - - - - - - - -
Although i intended for this to be a first rate job at documenting this owie,
especially after i said--
...essentially; "Promised"
--to fully document my 'next' owie...

- - - - - - - - -
i set the camera's distance to auto-focus incorrectly here...
It may be that i was holding the camera
even closer than is allowed for it's 'Close-Up' capability...!
This was taken around January 14th to the 17th; 2006...
When i first mentioned in my journal that this owie is getting woogily!

figure b : January 16th(?) 2006 without Yellow Cover...?
- - - - - - - - -
This is the same day, without the weird yellow cover
That was probably dead skin...???

figure c : Mysterious Yellow Cover
- - - - - - - - -
The Mysterious Yellow Cover

figure d : January 20th(?) Sever Woogiliness.
- - - - - - - - -
It is getting worse, but perhaps amazingly...???
It Doesn't hurt AT ALL...!!!
--So i'm still not panicky.

figure e : Same as d; Dug out a little
- - - - - - - - -
i can't resist digging these things out...!!!
i definitely have a masochistic streak
and love to claw at my own flesh...!!!
This owie didn't really present itself with
An opportunity for any really enthusiastic gouging...
i had one on my Right Knee a few months ago
That i decided to take care of all on my own,
And during the 'Cleaning' phase,
i used Q-Tips to poke into the owie
And discovered that it went down quite a ways...!!!
So i kept at it for awhile,
And the yellow pus & blood finally started to clear,
And i discovered a new region of White Pus...
That was considerably thicker than the Yellow Pus...!!!
So i dabbed that up as i continued to probe deeper and deeper...
( it continued to sink down for about a half an inch...!!! )
Then i found a larger 'Blob' that had a pudding like texture to it,
So i thought i might remove this with tweezers,
But it was just half way between a blob and pudding...
i decided to call it a Bolus,
Which seemed to be an entirely appropriate name for it...
Later; when i was telling this account to Nurse Practitioner Amy...
i'd forgotten that i called it a Bolus;
So the story seemed to lack the impact that it should have...!!!
So i struggled and dug, and probed and squeezed
And tried again & again to pull The Bolus out,
And FINALLY i was able to get a grip on it,
And yank it free...!!!
Then i cleaned it up some more,
Filled the cavity with 3 in 1 Antiseptic Salve
And with The Bolus gone,
i knew it would heal pretty quickly...
Which it Did...!!!
So these last two Owies,
Where they DIDN'T dig out The Bolus...
i felt cheated...!!!
And believed that they would Not heal as Quickly...???
But they both did pretty well...
i guess...???

figure f : Same as d & e; Bandaged up
- - - - - - - - -
i probably put on some 3 in 1 antibiotic salve
But i don't think that i particularly did anything to clean it...???

figure g : Probably a few days after d,e & f; Hamburger Phase...!
- - - - - - - - -
January 23rd...???
It looks like it's entering it's Hamburger Phase...

figure h : Another view of g
- - - - - - - - -
i was probably trying to get a good angle...???
It's really hard to see my view finder picture in bright sunlight...!!!
So would point with my left hand to the owie,
Wagging my index finger back & forth,
So i could see it in the camera's LCD...
And try to get the camera in position;
Then remove my left hand, and snap the picture...!!!

figure i : Another view of g & h
- - - - - - - - -

figure j : From the g, h & i Sequence...???
- - - - - - - - -
These pictures were loaded by their sequencial positions in the camera...
But this certainly looks like it was taken before g,
Before i had a chance to scrape off some of the dead surface skin...???

figure k : g, h, i & j Sequence; Antibiotic Salve
- - - - - - - - -
i don't like to skimp on the 3 in 1 antibiotic salve...!
i've had some remarkable cures by using it... ( sometimes )
Another miracle drug i've discovered is a generic version
of Waldomart's Acne Creme,
Which i think has antibiotic action built into it,
And also dries out the owie...
Which is usually Very Good...!!!

figure l : g, h, i, j & k; All Bandaged Up...!!!
- - - - - - - - -
All Bandaged Up...!
i like to use the athletic stretch wraps
because my skin will just fall apart
if i put to much tape on it...!!!
Ω . 1
Thursday, May 11, 2000
Owie Documentation : Two
- - - - - - - - -
Around January 23rd or 24th i was thinking...
'This owie is getting Very Woogily...!!!'
So i went over to The Waikiki Health Clinic
Where they fixed my last
UnDocumented Owie...!!!

- - - - - - - - -
This is kind of an odd location for a Health Clinic
That ostensibly serves the local peons & other chattel...
Because it's only about a block from
The Purportedly Fanciest Beach in The World
Outside of France.

figure 2 : Sign out front
- - - - - - - - -

figure 3 : Reception area
- - - - - - - - -

figure 4 : Generic Waiting Room
- - - - - - - - -
i took these pictures on the 26th
Even though this visit, my first visit for this owie,
Was on the 25th...
( because i forgot to take any pictures
of the waiting room that day...!!! )
( i also forgot to take a picture of Shane Millard PA.C )
[ Physician Assistant - Certified ]

figure 5 : Where the Doctor ( or equvalent ) sits
- - - - - - - - -

figure 6 : Stuff
- - - - - - - - -
i should have looked through all the drawers,
But i'm too shy.

figure 7 : Generic Nurse
- - - - - - - - -
She came in after 'Not a Doctor Millard',
And she was supposed to clean my owie and put a bandage on me,
But she just wiped it off--
( like last time...!!! )
And i think she also game me a shot in the ass...!!!
( i really should have asked ( or remembered )
what they shot me with...!!! ( ? ) )
( they didn't give me a shot in the ass last time...! )
Before this:
When 'Not a Doctor Millard' came in,
He took one look at my owie,
Recoiled in horror, and refused to even get near it...!
i also got a prescription for Climaycin 150mg.
NaDM also said that he wanted me to come back the next day
And when i told them this down at The Reception Counter
They acted as though this was absolutely unheard of...???
And asked me if i wanted to make an appointment...
And i was thinking 'Yes...!'
But they were acting so quirky about it,
That after a considerable amount of lollygagging-- ( ! )
i said i'd changed my mind, and would just 'drop by'...
which is how i think most of their appointments
are done anyways...???

figure 8 : Owie on January the 25th 2006
- - - - - - - - -
It doesn't really so bad here...
does it...???

figure 9 : Still January 25
- - - - - - - - -
i think that all the dead skin on top is keeping you
from seeing all the gore just below it...???

figure 10 : Very Nice Bandaging...!
- - - - - - - - -

figure 11 : The Pills
- - - - - - - - -
i think there was enough,
4 per day, supposedly every 6 hours...???
So that they lasted about a week.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .
figure 12 : Nurse Practitioner Amy
January 26th 2006
- - - - - - - - -
This is Nurse Practitioner Amy...!
She took VERY Good care of me!
She squeezed a lot of the pus out of my owie
And disinfecting it with antiseptic germicide povidone-iodine
And gave me some P-I swabs...
( i was supposed to get some more on my own,
But The Longs Drug Store only had Huge Bottles of it...!!! )
figure 13 : The Second Owie...!
- - - - - - - - -
This owie had been around for a few days,
And wasn't getting any better...
So NP Amy Bandaged it up too...!!!

figure 14 : Owie with Iodine
- - - - - - - - -
i didn't really take very many picture of my owie on the 26th,
But it looked ALOT better after only one day...
NP Amy thought that the shot i got
The day before was The Wonder Cure...???
figure 15 : Second Owie after squeezing...!
- - - - - - - - -
i was hoping that with all The Drugs i was taking that this owie,
Which was just 'starting' would short circuit and
Not 'Cycle Through' the usual bell curve of woogliness...
What that consists of is starting off
As a harmless looking scratch, or puncture,
Then getting progressively worse
Until it looks decidedly life threatening
Then it heals VERY quickly...!
Usually within a week or 10 days...!!!
Ω . 2