Tuesday, September 01, 2009


i changed my Blog Aphorism from :
“The Slave that Never Tests his Chains, Believes himself to Be Free.”
“Creativity is Merely Inattentive Plagerism.”

i was listening to the radio the other day and it had some new nibblets on the political interpretations of =Freedom=...
And it suddenly occurred to me; As my natureal contrarianism kicked in...
That Maybe these demiterrorists have it Right...

...Freedom IS Bunk...!!!

i have believed for quite a while that Western Civilization doesn't in any way promote real Freedom...
But i am stymied as to What an Example of Real Freedom Might be...???

Maybe the Whole Idea is A Crock.
Maybe it's entirely reasonable to just allow that we evolved as Social Animals on a Savanna over a period of Several Millions of Years and That our Elemental Existence is Based on A Community Ego.

Certainly; The way we Dress, Speak, Think, Eat & What we Believe to Be True & Righteous are All Determined by The Community.
Further; It is my Belief that only Deeply Insane People can even Imagine what something like a Real Taboo Might be.
Those of us that Aren't Deeply Insane may given Examples of Faux Taboos;
But these Are Things that We Are Inclined to Do, If we Weren't Thoroughly brainwashed into Thinking that We Absolutely Shouldn't do them...!
But A Real Taboo is something that We Really, Really, Really would NEVER EVER do...
We Can't even THINK or IMAGINE Doing them...
But It may well be That a Small Child, Lunatic or Foreigner might Ponder these acts 14 times before each Breakfast.

But even if we could Imagine these Acts...
Would that make us FREE...???

Believing Strange Things might make us more Worldly, But not Free.

Outside of Materialism, or The Edicts of The Dao...
And allowing that Freewill might somehow Exist...
Even so... Even if; Freewill were possible;
Within The Confines of Any Humid, Ordinary Social Environment...
Is There Some Act that; When Expressed;
Would indicate or Demonstrate to a Passing Behaviouralist that That Person were Free?

i can't think of an example.

Along the Same lines:
Is there some act that A Sane Person could Not Perform,
That an Insane Person might readily Accomplish?

Or Vice Versa.

Along with The Unwashed Arabs, that have never proded their ears with damp Q-Tips,
And that Above all Their Beloved Comix Book Slogans that they've embroidered onto their Bicycle Seat Covers;
They Burn with The Hatred of Freedom More than all That...

i too know that Belief in Freedom is an Imperialist Tool to Dull The Minds
Of What Might be Reasonably Obedient Social Insects...
Like us.

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