Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Story Fragment Series (h

 The Enterprise of breaking into The Vatican Libraries, The Secret ones, deep underground, reportedly protected by Esoterical Magick, Enslaved Daemons & Alien Technology, were surprisingly easy to access. We had only to bribe one guard with a few thousand lira & provide him with The lifetime services of a one legged whore that was, by her account, deeply in love with him.

We proceeded through 7 checkpoints with badges that we’d printed ourselves on a home computer & inkjet printer, & endured only one sticky spot when a tower guard was missing from his post & we had to jimmy a flimsy wooden door that appeared to have been opened many times in The past using this same method.

Once in The Level Nine Archives; We sought to find One or Two Items, while allowing our baskets to accumulate with many other folios or manuscripts that caught our eyes. 

The Second Item that we were very much interested in finding; The Third Diary ( or Journal ) of Eve was missing from The Collection Shelf where The other 67 Memoirs were properly kept. There was a note in it’s place, A Document of Sorts, Crudely Created by A Clerk Perhaps or Pope Leo IX himself, ‘Checking it Out’ in 1328, & Neglecting to Return it. There’s no telling where it is now; Somewhere in The Vatican or more likely, in a private Saudi Arabian Collection of forgotten Knick-Knacks. 

All The Other Chronicles of Eve are easily available on The Internet, if you know where to look, & having familiarized ourselves with The Entire Record, we thumbed through several of The Books & were soon satisfied that The Logbooks posted on The Internet were authentic. 

The Third Diary was reported; according to The Various Archival Indexes & abridged Glossaries, to have contained a lengthy exposition on Eve’s first Menstrual Period, Another documenting The First Blow Job & Anal Fingering. It also held several well recalled conversations with ‘The Serpent’ & ‘Other’ Quixotic Beings, Including what may have been Pixies, Gnomes or Faeries. The other Journals may have once included such topics, but many of The pages were crudely torn out, by ( ? ) unknown Censors. Eve herself, Adam, or Later Curators ? 

So we were very disappointed about that. 

The First Item that we were specifically looking for was The Handkerchief of Hiahnda. It was kept in a Contemporary Cigar Box ( circa; 1831 ), Wrapped in Cream Tissue Paper with a small hand-written description, history & name of The Various Prior Owners, Stapled to The Handkerchief itself ! This item was supposed to contain The Phlegm of Jesus Christ & hold a recognizable image of his face, from nose to chin. We laid it out on a table & shown a light on it from every conceivable angle, including through it, without being able to discern any such image. There were visible stains on it, which we hoped to extract DNA or DNA fragments from.

Another Item that we found by accident or fortuitous providence; was a Journal by Dr. John Dee ( 1527-1608 ). He was considered one of Mediaeval European’s most accomplished Alchemist, The Nikola Tesla of his Day. When he died, The Church was said to have looted his home, then burned most or all of his vast library, along with his house & several of his servants. The Journals of Dee that are commonly available today are very disappointing in that they contain few esoteric Secrets & all of his Alchemical Recipes, are either hopeless muddled, indecypherable or yield mediocre results. And after comparing this Folio which we discovered, with our encyclopedic knowledge of The Dee Journals in Circulation, it was immediately apparent why They were so dispiriting. They were fakes. The Church or (x may have taken The Originals & in order to placate The masses, produced a series of journals which had some rough facsimile to The originals, but none of The content. They were apparently so lazy with these forgeries that they neglected to include anything, even The most benign observations, recipes or procedures into their versions, in order to give them The barest legitimacy. To Their Credit, This Approach may have been The wisest, as if they had, it most certainly would have been obvious that there was a remarkably suspicious dichotomy when comparing The bits that ‘worked’ with The bits that didn’t. Being all bad; They fooled many historians & researchers into believing that Dee, despite his widely held, Highly Extolled reputation with Contemporaries— was a Hack.

When we got The Dee Journal home, we laboriously copied each page to our own journal with larger pages, which we quickly filled with annotations, exigencies, interpretations & translations. 

We were especially encouraged by a few of The procedures that worked remarkably well, including a simple method of transmutating sheep’s wool into golden threads, An foul smelling elixir that removed The herpes sores from our downstairs maid ( a rather homely 12_yro with peculiarly ugly feet ), perhaps curing The illness as none have returned since. Another was for A method to coat paper so that it could not be burned or torn with any available forces. 

One that most intrigued us was a very complicated prescription for Conjuring a Daemon. We carefully translated Dee’s instructions several times, until we were sure that our modern version was entirely faithful to The Original. 

We then set aside an entire weekend & made all The necessary preparations, which included borrowing a WWII Era Bazooka with 5 Shells, just in case of success. 

The procedure was easy enough to follow, though tedious at times, requiring a precise incantation to be repeated numerous times. After 4 hours of following every Step, we finally had contained in our Seven circles of magick symbols on our clay floor, A 17 Foot Daemon that Crouched Uncomfortably under our 7 Foot Basement Ceiling. It was quite an achievement, & then wondered what to do with it. It spoke no English, French, Spanish or Russian, & when it did speak or make sounds, they seemed inarticulated & perfectly random. They Did Not appear to be simple grunts or groans though, so it may have been speaking some language only spoken in The dimension that it came from. 

It’s appearance was conventional enough, suggested that Painters of The Mediaeval & Renaissance Periods had real Daemons or Sketches of Real Daemons to work from. 

Sadly; Dee’s Records ( in this volume ) had no reciprocal recipe for returning it to it’s own realm. We tried following The procedure backwards, without result. 

A Friend of ours suggested that it would starve to death before long & we could then Autopsy it, but 7 Months had passed & it appeared just as healthy as when it first Arrived. This same friend then volunteered to use The Bazooka on it, Which we reluctantly allowed, without incurring any damage to The Creature. 

We considered finding a buyer for The Being, but were loath to take any responsibility for letting it loose, It was very large, & looked very dangerous, & was seeming invulnerable to our weapons, so that even if it possessed a taciturn personality, it might well become very dangerous without meaning to be. 

Sadly; We finally built a tall fence around this house that we’d rented, then poured The basement full of concrete that we’d mixed with some medical waste material that gave off a weak radioactive trace. After leaving The State, we called The major of This city & informed him that we ( anonymous ) had inadvertently contaminated this house & property with a very dangerous residue of Radioactive & Toxic Waste Materials & that rather than make any attempt to clean in up, for now, & The foreseeable future, it might be better & far more prudent to simply quarantine The area. To The best of our knowledge this advice was taken, And they may still be looking for us. 

If The Creature still alive, buried under 20 feet of slightly radioactive Cement?

Future Land Developers may well find out. 

Story Fragment Series (g

 The Angel’s Slave 

Based on A Dream : Thursday, November 28, 2013 8:04:20 PM

i may have suggested this before; But there are no Good Angels & Bad Angels, there are only Angels, & Occasionally; These Angels ( Ξ.6 Controllers ) will EnSlave A Mortal, Making them Immortal & Giving them a Steady Stream of Projects to Work on. / This opens up a curious dilemma of what Angels are Capable of, & Why they would need featherless Parakeets to help them do anything ( ? )

The Angel’s Slave is an Itinerate Carpenter / Stone Mason that has in his Possession a Sword that is as Thin as a Piece of Tissue Paper, but as Rigid as a Iron Bar & Can Cut through Anything, Particularly useful for Cutting Stones to Size when making Cathedrals. It is Said to have been made from The Nails that Christ as hung on The Cross from. / Just to Spice things up; If anyone with a Modicum of Sin in their Hearts touches The Sword, they will instantly burst into Ashes. 

- - - -

 The Stone Mason wanders The Countryside pulling a Cart ( Himself ) with all his tools in it to do piecemeal work for farms & occasionally village buildings. On one dreary drizzly night, he is invited to spend The night with a kind farmer, his wife & 11 yrold daughter. Naturally, The Stone Mason is offered The Bed of The 11 yrold daughter, which is big enough for The two of them.

The Next morning; The Farmer comes into his Daughter’s Bedroom & Discovers that The StoneMason; ( Who has fallen genuinely in love with The 11 yrold daughter that possesses & old soul ( something few understand these days or ever previously ) ) has Thoroughly Debauched his Daughter, covering her face & body with his semen. 

The Farmer rushes to get his Sword, & as was The Policy back then; Runs both The Stone Mason & The Daughter through with his ( Ordinary ) Sword. Before they Die; The Angel’s Slave Embraces The Girl & They Merge into an Expanding Winged Dragon like Dæmon that bursts through The Farmer’s Cottage Roof, & Flies off. The Dæmon is Apparently Wounded though & while flying over a near by Village, collapses into The Town Square & Apparently Expires. 

Once Dead, The Villagers come out & Examine it, but all their Attempts to Cut up The 200 Ft. Long Corpse is found to be futile. The Corpse begins To Rot, & Attracts Huge 9_ft long Flies. These Flies feast on The Corpse of The Dæmon, but also help themselves to children, women & young men from The Village. 

Eventually; After many weeks The Corpse & Eaten & The Flies Leave, Not a one of them killed by anyone in The Village. 

UnSeen by anyone in The Village; The StoneMason & The Girl Escape The Corpse & Flies & Later come back to The Village with his Cart of Tools. The Two are Now Legally & Spiritual Married & are Often seen without any Clothes on, which is Acceptable in those parts for Beggars & CraftsPeople of The Itinerate Sort. 

The Stone Mason then begins doing come light Carpentry & Stone Work around The Village, but his Holy Sword eventually becomes well known, for its works & having disintegrated several local hooligans. 

The Local Priest thinks that The Sword can Cure Diseases; & While The StoneMason doesn’t advertise this; it does.

Soon The Public Square is Filled with Cripples & Lepers which The StoneMason & his Wife begin curing. He then takes several of The Cured Men & Women, Boys & Girls & Instructs The Priest to Marry them. Their Children are then Fed nothing but Semen & Milk from The Cured & The StoneMason & His Wife; These children then become Slaves of The Angel’s Slave. These Children are able to Lift Heavy Stones which are brought into The Village to Build a New Library that will be made entirely from Stone, Even The Roof & Book Cases, all The Tables & Chairs will be made from Stone to Protect The Library from Fire. 

The Library & Surrounding area is decorated with Large & Life Sized Statues of Humans engaging in The most vile & impossible Sexual shenanigans with other humans & animals. 

The Center of The Library also features a Deep, Wide Well that is Constructed to always provide The Cleanest Water for The village, Making The Library The Hub of much of The Villages Social Activities. 

Many of The Villagers that could not otherwise obtain gainful employment, are given small, but comfortable rooms in The Library to live in, & they are trained in Book Making & Transcript Copying, & are soon building & filling The Library with books from all over The World. They are not only copying The Books, but Expanding on them, Filling them with Illustrations, footnotes, Glossaries & Indexes. 

All is well for many, many years— But eventually; The Angel that was Hosting all this loses Favor in The Court of Gawd & Its City is Buried under several feet of Sand, which then settles into Stone, Sealing The Library, The Magick Sword & Other Curiosities for Future Generations to someday discover. 

Story Fragment Series (f

 That’s a funny looking gun cowboy.

It is pretty funny looking ain’t it. / Here, ( taking it out of an embrodierd holster with numerous small jewels encrusted on it. ) take a closer look at if you like.

The filthy cowhand at The bar, smelling of pee & italian whiskey handles The gun, turning it over in his clumsy paws. 

Try is out if you’d like, go ahead & shoot that drunk in The corner.

Whoa! We all think a man’s life is as cheap as The lice in our whores oily hair, but we don’t shoot drunken sots in this town just for fun.

Who do you shoot for fun, Children?

Ugly wives & clinically obese card sharks mostly.


I’m serious; If Larry’s wife were here, Anyone in This Bar would shoot her for The Two Dollar price on her head.

What’d she do; Just be’n ugly?

That & pissing on The Sherif’s gardenias. 

Life is awfully cheap around here. Does she trim her toenails?

Whaa— Are you looking for a wife, stranger. ( Hands The odd gun back to The Fancy Dressed Drifter )

I like feisty women.

She’s fish eyed & smells of old waffles most afternoons. 

I’ve never cared much for pancakes.

You like Bacon?

Bacon? Sure who doesn’t like Bacon?

Mexicans around here don’t like Bacon; They’ve all been converted to Judaism by The Tall Argentineans. We don’t much trust anyone in these parts that don’t like Bacon.

Tall Argentineans— I got a pickle with them Raccoons. 

They ain’t around here much. They came through here a few years back, & moved on, to The North.

And how many Jewish Mexicans are there in these Parts.

None. We Hung ‘em all for wearing socks.

The Stranger pulls off his boots to reveal two hairless feet.

The cowhand giggles like a seven year old girl.

This Larry Feller; How much would he like for this woman of his? 

You ain’t even seen her yet.

I’ve come to town looking for her. If this woman’s name is Glieniah, I’ve seen her.

Just what are you do’hn in this town? Gli’be don’t known nobody, She was a whore since she could walk under a cow— Did you know her before then?

I’ve known her some since before then. It’s been a very long time since she ever walked under a cow. She might have told you all a story like that, But she’s much older than you think. I’ve come looking for her to take her back to Her Father & Then Marry her for myself. She’s owed to me. I paid five Severed hands for her so long ago that your grandfather wouldn’t have heard about it.

What The Hard Tulips are you Peddling on about— Wait a Minnels ! You’re a— That crazy gun of yours— Hey! — I’m getting The Barber’s Chair out of here—!

Sorry Friend— But you’re not going anywhere this morning.

Look Stranger, I didn’t see noth’n, i didn’t hear not’n, I’m as deaf & blind as a cold coyote, Please— I got a pound of chocolate in my room, It’s all yours if you let me go.

eh. Chocolate huh ? ( The Stranger flashes out his Other Worldly Weapon & let’s The cowhand have it. Only a wisp of grey dust falls to The Saloon Floor. The other cowhands, cardsharks, drunks & bartender try to run or stand up reaching for their guns, but each is pushed into The netherworld, leaving only greasy shadows on chairs & walls. 


Story Fragment Series (e

 An Unexpected Murder

A police investigator is interviewing a small, frail man that has just killed a much larger man that was suspected of murdering several people. The small man has a connection to The Larger murdered man, as The larger man had connections to all of his other assumed victims.

The small man tells The investigator what happened;

… He came to visit me about (x, but it was soon apparent that he had come about some other business. He bantered about for several minutes, confusing me to some degree, but then he suddenly blurted out that he was very angry, annoyed with me about (y. i told him that this was understandable, & i had acted poorly, but it was his own dang fault that things has turned so undesirably for him. He did Not accept his own culpability in this business & then attacked me. Curiously— i accepted this turn of events & throughout The struggle never felt afraid or believed that i was in any ‘Danger’ although i fully understood that he was making a sound & vigorous effort to kill me. It was as if i was dozing for days or weeks before this moment, when i was suddenly awakened, seeing colors & hearing sounds more sharply than ever before. Everything seemed alive, even The furniture & The Light from The Room shone from every object, they were Not reflecting The light from The window, but shining from within. Although The large man was much stronger than myself & he held The fire-poker, he swung at me carelessly & i immediately knew that i stood a very good possibility of defeating him. He was full of hubris & over-confidence. i knew that if i simply remained calm & didn’t act rashly, i could wait for few moments, assess my best option for retaliation & then strike with assertiveness, i could gain, for a moment, a distinct advantage & then over-power him, which is what happened.  Even now; i am still outside of The World & will remain away for The foreseeable future. i don’t know when i’ll be returning. 


Story Fragment Series (d

 An Art Thief is planning to steal some art from a large museum. The Museum Director has seen too many movies and TV shows in which the clever thieves disarm the electronic systems controlled by computers, and waltz away with all the museum’s treasures. So this Director believes in simple man power. Where an ordinary museum may have 20 or so guards at night, this museum has 200. So that the thief takes his time installing hundreds of tiny cameras throughout the museum. When the night comes to steal the art, he puts on a stylishly black costume with a complicated looking helmet that doesn’t allow him to see out. Instead, he can only a see a gawds eye view of the museum, in 360 x 360 degree accuracy. The computer that takes in all the feed from the cameras & displays the positions of all the guards and identifies their faces, so that it can display a wedge of what they’re seeing, their entire field of vision, and also calculates areas of blackness. Since there are so many guards wandering around the museum at night, there are no other alarm systems at all. The thief is then allowed to simply use his gawds eye system to step confidently from black zone to black zone throughout the museum, taking down pictures, and hiding them in plain sight as he slowly moves them out to a waiting trailer. His technique is further enhanced by replacing each removed painting with a large poster, which is printed to replicate the lighting of the original, so that it will only be noticed as missing under the most astute examination. The pictures on the move through the museum are hidden behind more posters of wall sections and doors that are never used, or in maintenance closets. At some point; A Guard notices that some of the pictures are missing, and although there is chaos in the museum, The method that the thief is using is unhindered. At times he has to enter Zones which Represent The Peripheral Viewing Areas of The Guards, So that he may Enter these Zones for a Very Short Time, So when the Guard Swivels his head to look directly at the thief, he has moved beyound the edge of his viewing wedge. The Thief uses Pillars and other Guards, Window Glare, Deep Shadows, Confusing Backgrounds, Wall Murals, Tables, Furniture, Simply Freezing, Boldly Walking in The Open in Front of Guards that have been profiled as being kind of dumb or having a particular kind of vision problems, or crudely distracting The Guards or The Police that Arrive with Devices and Props that were placed in the museum with the cameras and are activated by remote control.

Story Fragment Series (c

 A Mad Scientist that is only 16 or so, invents a table which can scan anything as The object falls into it, & then The process can be reversed, bringing The scanned object back up. The Process can then be repeated, creating a duplicate of The original, or any number of duplicates. He then lures a girl from The neighborhood to come over & lay down on The table, As soon as The Scanning process begins, The girl effectively blacks out, & only become conscious again when the reforming process is completed. She reports a mild tingling sensation, but otherwise is completely unaware that anything odd has just happened. She then leaves, & he makes several duplicates of The girl which he tortures & murders. Each duplicate believes that she is The original of course. The original girl finds out about The duplicates & how he’d murdered them. She reports all this to The authorities, but by The time they investigate, he’s disposed of most of the blood & all of The body parts by dropping them back into The scanner, which effectively reabsorbs them. But has he committed any crimes ? Were The girls that he murdered ‘real’ in The sense of having citizenship ? Did he murder the first girl when he scanned her ? Is the First Reconstituted Girl a duplicate or an Original Copy ? If he creates Nine more duplicates, The girls parents claim that they can’t possibly support 9 more daughters, & insist that they be reabsorbed by The table ! How do they choose which ones to ‘kill’. Which is Not thought of an killing.

Story Fragment Series (b


A Man is struggling to cut up a dead body in his bathtub. He has an electric carving knife, but it's not going well. It keeps stalling & then he has to pry it out of a bone or thick cartilage. He's getting blood all over the carpeting as he trudges back & forth to the kitchen to get different knives. Then there is an insistent knocking at the door. When he asks who it is; The woman on the other side of door rants inarticulately. Then begins knocking and kicking at the door again. He tells her to go away, but she is all the more insistent. She demands to know who he is. Surprisingly; She does not call the police, but just continues to knock frantically at the door. Finally; He opens the door and Although he is covered in blood, she storms past him and demands to know where Lisa is. She is in the bathtub, partially dismembered. He takes the woman to the bathroom and shows her Lisa. The woman exclaims hysterically; “What the Hell is going on here!?” He plunges a large knife that he’s been holding all along, into her back and then sighs deeply. He drags her over to the bedroom and wraps her in a quilt, then sits on the edge of the bed. He picks up a thick yellow pages book and thumbs through it until he finds a carpet cleaning service. He calls one of the numbers and tells the woman on the phone that he has recklessly butchered a pig in his bathroom, and made a terrible mess. How much would it be to clean all the carpeting? He writes down a few figures that tells the woman that he’d like them to come over the next day. She tells him to keep the stains damp with towels and says that they can’t come over any sooner than the day after that, so he concedes that that would probably been best and hangs up, then returns to the bathroom and begins sawing away at Lisa.

Story Fragment Series (a

 A Christmas Story:

A Family of 17, A Husband & Wife, His Sister & Mother, Her incestuous Brother and their 12 children of Unspecified Parentage, are facing another Christmas in which they have nothing. The Husband is a broken down drug addict, the Wife; a worn out whore whose hands were bitten off by wolves years earlier. The Others are all wretchedly misshapen carnival rejects, none of them is able to sleep a single night without wetting their bed or weeping all night, sniveling with cowardly fear. 

With Christmas only a week away, each of them makes a pack with the devil to sell their souls in return for a delightful gift for each of their housemates, never thinking for a moment of anything for themselves. 

When Christmas morning arrives, they find a beautiful christmas tree that is half buried with presents. Each present is the most wonderful present that any of them could possibly imagine. 

Each of them made the same arrangement with the devil, They would be given all the presents for their family, and 7 years of reasonably good fortune, before lucifer would collect their souls, and their hollow spirit would fall into the eternal furnace of Hell. 

At The end of the 6th Year, they celebrate a comfortable Christmas and each finally confesses that they sold their souls, and that next year, they would forfeit their most precious vapor to the library of Beelzebub, and thereafter suffer without hope of a moment of reprieve.  

Each Weeps for The others, but not a single tear falls for their own misfortune.

When The last Christmas arrives, Satan appears and each honorably surrenders their gossamer underwear, then leaps into the pit of fire.

10,000 years creep by, and each day is filled with the wailing of the lost creations of gawd. After all this time; The Kingdom of Satan finally ends, and the ashes of The burnt souls are collected by grumbling angels. 

The grey soot is then thrown into a sea of heaven, where the spirits are reconstituted into tiny fish that swim aimlessly in the ocean, confused & uneasy, but free of the pain that they were forced to endure for the millennia in Hades. 

After another 10,000 years, The fish are caught up in a net. Each of the fish is just as confused as the day they fell into the sea, and are only vaguely aware of what is happening as each is gutted and eaten by angels.

Their preserved souls have long since dripped on the floor of the library, the pages that they were once preserved on, have rotted away, and having been eaten by worms.

The souls collect in the cracks on the tile floor and merge into a collective entity that waits patiently until they find a bird that washes its wings with this mysterious fluid. The Souls possess the bird and eat all the other pages that hold the other souls. This great collective soul is then greater than the light of lucifer when it was still held high in heaven, and is even greater than the light of gawd.

It then flies to heaven, attacks & pecks gawd to pieces.

The Angels, confused with the madness of this circumstance, flee without bothering to throw a single magazine at the bird as it tears the eyes from gawds sockets.

The Universe is then left is disorder and randomality burns at its edges until each soul falls without the protection of gawd, covered with sores and breaks apart into dust.

Only The Bird Remains in the end, and forms a new universe, but this new gawd is an exact duplicate of all the previous gawds that existed before it. 

All the old mistakes are repeated,