Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Story Fragment Series (e

 An Unexpected Murder

A police investigator is interviewing a small, frail man that has just killed a much larger man that was suspected of murdering several people. The small man has a connection to The Larger murdered man, as The larger man had connections to all of his other assumed victims.

The small man tells The investigator what happened;

… He came to visit me about (x, but it was soon apparent that he had come about some other business. He bantered about for several minutes, confusing me to some degree, but then he suddenly blurted out that he was very angry, annoyed with me about (y. i told him that this was understandable, & i had acted poorly, but it was his own dang fault that things has turned so undesirably for him. He did Not accept his own culpability in this business & then attacked me. Curiously— i accepted this turn of events & throughout The struggle never felt afraid or believed that i was in any ‘Danger’ although i fully understood that he was making a sound & vigorous effort to kill me. It was as if i was dozing for days or weeks before this moment, when i was suddenly awakened, seeing colors & hearing sounds more sharply than ever before. Everything seemed alive, even The furniture & The Light from The Room shone from every object, they were Not reflecting The light from The window, but shining from within. Although The large man was much stronger than myself & he held The fire-poker, he swung at me carelessly & i immediately knew that i stood a very good possibility of defeating him. He was full of hubris & over-confidence. i knew that if i simply remained calm & didn’t act rashly, i could wait for few moments, assess my best option for retaliation & then strike with assertiveness, i could gain, for a moment, a distinct advantage & then over-power him, which is what happened.  Even now; i am still outside of The World & will remain away for The foreseeable future. i don’t know when i’ll be returning. 


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