Monday, June 05, 2000

A Calibrated Gematria... Revisited + More...!!!

An Introduction for this was posted a few weeks ago...
It's a 'Calibrated Gematria'
that was designed to match a specific number of key phrases,
But of course, the fun only starts there--
The Real Magick of The Gematria is when you turn your evil intentions to other sources of text to find hidden sentence fragments or other quirky alignments of arithmancy...!

Previous Post ( revisited )

This was all created / Discovered by
William Jas Tychonievich ( !!! )
See His Own Site: Contains More Amazing Revelations!!!

Another interesting key I came up with is what I call :
Calibrated Gematria:
A = . 6 . B = . 8 . C = - 5 . D = -24
E = . 0 . F = . 8 . G = -10 . H = .29
I = -11 . J = -14 . K = .24 . L = - 7
M = .18 . N = .10 . O = - 9 . P = - 8
Q = -29 . R = -26 . S = -11 . T = . 0
U = .31 . V = . 8 . W = .11 . X = .28
Y = - 1 . Z = .35

Check out the results:
zero = 0
one = ace = monad = 1
two = deuce = couple = 2
three = 3
four = 4
five = 5
six = 6
seven = 7
eight = 8
nine = 9
ten = 10
eleven = jack = 11
twelve = queen = dozen = 12
jinx = king = baker's dozen = 13
fourteen = 14
fifteen = 15 ...
and so on,
all the way up to twenty-nine = 29.

Pretty [ fawking ] cool, eh?

Since CG uses both negative and positive numbers,
most word values are pretty low
(i.e., nowhere near 666).
But one nice feature is that in addition to matches
(words that add up to the same number),
you can get opposites.
For instance;
George W. Bush = 13, and John Kerry = -13. [ ... ]
( tiny amount excised )

And Now Wm has
sent more Discoveries
for this Key...!!!

Some new coincidences I've found in CG:
Archangels and directions:
Michael = west = 0
Raphael = east = -5
Gabriel = -40, south = 40
(Uriel doesn't match north, alas)

Bill Clinton = Hillary Clinton = Richard Nixon = -29
Franklin D. Roosevelt = Ronald Reagan = -64
Chester A. Arthur = Zachary Taylor = 7, Lyndon B. Johnson = -7
Andrew Jackson = Herbert Hoover = -22
George Washington = William Howard Taft = -30
Benjamin Harrison = Franklin Pierce = Ulysses S. Grant = -41
Grover Cleveland = James Madison = -82
George W. Bush = six hundred sixty-six = 13,
........John Kerry = -13

France = French Republic = -7
earth = 9, water = -9
bad = evil = Lucifer = -10,
son = messiah = -10
atheist = 13, monotheist = -13
night = 18, sunrise = -18,
day = -19, sunset = 19
Wm Jas = Osama = -20,
William James Tychonievich = Osama bin Laden = -28
new = young = 21
John the Baptist = 24, Christ = -24
Judaism = Islam = -35
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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