Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Another Secret

These ( Series ) are Very Raw Ideas for Stories.
Feel Free to Steal Them ( Creative Commons ) if you'd like to develop any of them into Stories, Books or Films ! 

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Some boys are walking down an alley and decide to cut through the yard of an abandoned house; through one of the windows, they spot a woman whose breasts have been nailed to a table that is bolted to the floor. Her arms have been cut off, but the stumps have been securely tied with shoestrings so that the flesh on the stumps has turned black. Behind her is a pile of crap, and she is trying to stand and crouch so that her weight is not pulling on her huge breasts too much. There is no telling how long she has been there. When one of the boys taps on the glass, she turns, and frantically tries to scream, but her lips have been stapled shut. 
The boys run away and there is an immediate discussion as to what they should do.
One of the boys suggests that should call the police or tell their parents, but the other boys are incredulous about this. They are petty criminals and hate the police to begin with and one mockingly asks how they are going to tell their abusive parents. ‘We’ll get in trouble for having looked at her! She was Naked, you’re not supposed to look through windows at naked women!’ ‘And did you see how huge her boobs were! We would be sure to get it if anyone found out that we saw her bare boobies!’ 
So they don’t tell any adults. But they tell some other boys at school and some girls find out, So that the next afternoon after school, they go back to the house, and now there are about 20 kids, and they are all looking at the woman through the windows. The woman is frantic to get them to help her, but the situation is so strange that none of them know how to handle it. 
The Next day, more kids show up and one tries the doors and windows. One finds that an upstairs window can be gotten to by climbing a tree and opening it. He gets in, and opens the back door, letting all the other children in. They gawk at her, and look for some pliers to remove the staples or pull out the nails that are holding her breasts to the table, but they are unable to find anything. They discuss her situation more, and all are agreed that its been too long now with out telling anyone about her. If they said anything now, and one of them squealed that they had known about this for 3 days, they would really get in big trouble, so everyone swears not to tell anyone. One of the children says he will bring some pliers tomorrow, but forgets. Then another child goes home and comes back with some tools, which they use to pull the staples & nails out, with great effort, causing more damage to the woman in the process. Everyone is complaining about the pile of crap on the floor, but none of the children has any idea on how to clean it up. 
When the woman is released; She is in terrible shape. All the children swear her to secrecy about how long they have known about her being there. She agrees in broken english and asks them to help her to get to a hospital, but the children insist that it is too far away, And they are adamant about not telling any adults. Then she passes out. Some of the larger boys drag her to a bedroom and lay her on bed, and one suggests that they screw her. A few others agree and while 30 children watch, both boys and girls, 6 of the boys try to have intercourse with her, but none are sure of how it’s done. Everyone offers suggestions. They have also discovered that there is no running water in the house, and then after the attempted & semi-successful rape of the unconscious woman, they agree that she will have to be killed, and one child brings over a hammer, but none are willing to bash her head in, so one of the girls tries hitting her repeatedly on her chest, but this reviles her and her screaming causes all the children to run away. 
Later; She is found stumbling down a street and is taken to a hospital. She tells on the children, which are very annoyed that she promised not to tell on them. It is also discovered that the original assailant was a prominent public figure, who, with the help of the police has the woman committed to an insane asylum and all the children are blamed for her original and subsequent attacks. Some of the children freely admit to coming to the house after others have already been there, so that all the children, even the first ones are convinced that it was some of the ‘other’ children that committed the original attack. After all; How else could they have found out about it? 
Some are sent to Juvenile camps until they are 30, while others are committed to the same asylum where the woman is being kept.
All the parents are relieved that they no longer have to care for their children.
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