Wednesday, June 26, 2019

My New Best Friend

These ( Series ) are Very Raw Ideas for Stories.
Feel Free to Steal Them ( Creative Commons ) if you'd like to develop any of them into Stories, Books or Films ! 

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My New Best Friend
A Rather Unattractive; Charitably— Merely Homely; 12 year old is pestered and teased by her classmates and during a softball game is hit in the head with the ball, which knocks her out cold and is thereafter abused further as she lays unconscious on the ground by not only the other children, but by the teacher that is supervising them. She is pulled aside and that game continues while the teacher waits, unconcerned, for her to Snap out of it.
She Awakens after all the children have left and gone back into the school, so she walks home where she discovers a phone message from her mother that she's gone to visit a friend in another state for a few weeks. Alone; She goes to bed, sleeps for 2 days, during which time, no one investigates what has happened to her.
When she Awakens from her short coma, she changes the sheets on the bed, cleans the mattress and turns it over, then skips school until the next monday.
At the bus stop on Monday; She meets an odd looking boy, completely naked, whose name is hers spelled backwards, ( Rotated 180º in Rotagram Characters )
Other children arrive and ignore both the girl and the odd boy.
At School, none of the students or teachers are curious as to why she was absent for several days the previous week. Her name is called during roll call, But not the naked boy's. The boy sits at a desk next to the girls and engages in idle chit chat. 
During Recess; one of the larger boys takes a small interest in the girl and decides to pick on her. The situation escalates for no particular reason, and ends with the naked boy intervening and laying the large boy out cold.
The girl is taken to the principles office and the girl is accused of beating up the large boy. Before she can speak up, The naked boy, who has tagged along, reveals that he's an imaginary figment of her damaged brain. 
As a result of now containing a super-powerful imaginary entity, she becomes assertive, cruel, kind and after meeting other imaginary entities that inhabit the damaged minds of other children, they found something like a twisted and flawed League of Justice that saves the world doing nearly as much damage as the foe that threatens the entire earth. ( Explored in The Powder Puff Girls )
The story also contains witches, time travelers, lesbian Nazis, talking moles, living shoe laces, escaped zoo animals, inexplicable fashion trends, Cars with only 2 wheels, semi-benevolent Aliens, a movement to get rid of all plastics, The dangers of The Electromagnetic Spectrum, Churches for Atheists, Lightbulbs that don't use electricity, ( big tanks of bioluminescent microorganisms that you dump your kitchen garbage into ), houses that are powered by giant suspended rocks in their backyards, home movies that are projected onto the backs of your eyeballs and shoes that allow people to bounce instead of walk.
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